Autor: Rončević, Ante, Sever, Viktorija
Přispěvatelé: Gregurec, Iva
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: CroDiM : International Journal of Marketing Science
Volume 6
Issue 1
ISSN: 2584-7236
Popis: Razvoj tehnologija za sobom povlači i promjene u poslovanju te dolazi do promjena na tržištu koje reguliraju potrošači sami. Stoga je predmet ovog rada istražiti promjene u ponašanjima potrošača pod utjecajem razvoja raznih digitalnih kanala prodaje. Pri čemu je cilj rada bilo ustanoviti da li tehnološki razvoj ima utjecaj na prodaju poljoprivrednih proizvoda te imaju li društveni trendovi također utjecaj na prodaju poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Brzim napretkom tehnologije upitno je jesu li potrošači spremni na prihvaćanje novih oblika prodaje te jesu li i prodavači spremni prilagoditi se promjenama koje potrošači zahtijevaju. Ujedno sve većim iseljavanjem stanovništva postavlja se pitanje je li moguće razvojem e-trgovine u ruralnim područjima zaustaviti masovno iseljavanje stanovnika te potaknuti mlade da ostanu u ruralnim područjima. S druge strane povećanjem prodaje poljoprivrednih proizvoda u raznim trgovina te putem e-trgovine nameće se pitanje hoće li tržnice opstati pod pritiskom trgovačkih lanaca. Za potrebe ovoga rada provedena je online anketa na uzorku od 100 ispitanika.
The development of technologies entails changes in business and there are changes in the market that are regulated by the consumers themselves. Therefore, the subject of this paper is to investigate changes in consumer behavior under the influence of the development of various digital sales channels. The aim of the work was to establish whether technological development has an impact on the sale of agricultural products and whether social trends also have an impact on the sale of agricultural products. With the rapid progress of technology, it is questionable whether consumers are ready to accept new forms of sales and whether sellers are ready to adapt to the changes that consumers demand. At the same time, the increasing emigration of the population raises the question of whether it is possible to stop mass emigration of residents and encourage young people to stay in rural areas through the development of e-commerce in rural areas. On the other hand, the increase in the sale of agricultural products in various stores and through e-commerce raises the question of whether markets will survive under the pressure of retail chains. For the purposes of this work, an online survey was conducted on a sample of 100 respondents.
Databáze: OpenAIRE