Problem of the Integration of the Tools of Environmental Politics, VAS (Ex Directive 2001/42/CE), EMAS (Rule 761/2001/CE), and New Model of Industrial Sustainable Area

Autor: Andrea, Forni, Ivano, Olivetti, Ferdinando, Frenquellucci, Pasquale, Regina, Federica, Scipioni, Federica, Di Giampietro
Rok vydání: 2006
Popis: The study deepens the problem list in the application of the VAS and the new procedures relative EMAS II° to industrial areas e/o territorial organizations, and it analyzes some cases of study. The cases of study analyzed are those of the district of Solofra and the area ASI in Trapani in south Italy, and Prato in centre Italy, The objective principals of the project are integral part of the project LIFE-SIAM 2005: to define to analyze the degree of vertical integration (from the directive UEs to the local actions) and horizontal (from the partenariato for the governance to the forums of AG21L) of the principles of the sustainability and the governance in the territory beginning from the location and management of the industrial areas; the analysis of the methods experimented of shared territorial planning of the development, based on an approach multidisciplinary, comprendente partenariato, planning, evaluation and monitoring; the analysis of the levels of know managerial how and necessary planning development of a collaborative climate and of effective relationships among the Local Authorities, the citizens, the productive system, the experts and the scientific world; the analysis of the necessary professional dimensions and applications with the purpose to form new subject responsible and figures professional able to plan and to manage the governance and the sustainable development beginning from the industrial areas. The project as defined a new Model of Industrial Sustainable Area. These objectives of analysis will be pursued through the verification on the field of the state of application, the adaptation and the integration of different community tools of environmental politics, what the Evaluation Environmental Strategy (VAS), ex Directive 2001/42/CE and the EMAS, ex Rule 761/2001/CE, in the procedures of governance effected on the territory. The study intends to give a contribution to show the difficulties attuative in to integrate different voluntary community tools inside models as the governance, or of policy as the sustainable development, and to allow one innovative approach of theirs, how much more possible inserted in the planning and territorial management. The study as experimented the application of the Model in the case study.
Databáze: OpenAIRE