Implementation of the Schengen acquis and the role of the Republic of Croatia in the protection of EU external borders

Autor: Zeko, Magdalena, Vrbanec, Miljenko
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Policija i sigurnost
Volume 31
Issue 3/2022
ISSN: 1330-0229
Popis: The role of the Republic of Croatia regarding the complex system of border control mechanisms regarding internal European Union borders, as well as supervision and control of external borders, is analysed in this paper. The position of the Republic of Croatia in the field of external border protection upon entry into the Schengen Area is also examined. Furthermore, the paper explains protection mechanisms and measures introduced by the European institutions under the emergency procedure after the major migrant crisis of 2015 and 2016 and a series of terrorist attacks in the heart of Europe that violated the fundamental values of the European community and brought insecurity into the lives of its citizens. The problems of introducing such urgent measures, especially temporary control measures at the internal borders of the European Union, are also clarified. In addition, this paper investigates the justification of the aforementioned measures in light of the general principles of the European Union legal system. An overview of the observed structural shortcomings in managing the Union’s external border is also given. The paper presents specific EU measures, bodies and mechanisms set up to protect the external borders and needed for the operation of the single market within the EU.
U radu se analizira uloga Republike Hrvatske u kompleksnom sustavu mehanizama kontrole prelaska osoba preko unutarnjih granica Europske unije kao i u nadzoru i kontroli na vanjskim granicama. Razmatra se pozicija Republike Hrvatske u području zaštite vanjske granice po ulasku u Schengenski prostor. Objašnjavaju se mehanizmi zaštite kao i mjere koje su uvedene od strane europskih institucija po hitnom postupku nakon velike migrantske krize 2015. i 2016. godine te niza terorističkih napada u samom srcu Europe a koji su narušili temeljne vrijednosti europskog zajedništva i unijeli nesigurnost u živote europskih građana. Pojašnjavaju se i problemi uvođenja takvih hitnih mjera, prvenstveno mjera privremene kontrole na unutarnjim granicama Europske unije. Preispituje se njihova utemeljenost s obzirom na opća načela pravnog sustava Europske unije. Daje se osvrt i na uočene strukturne nedostatke u upravljanju vanjskom granicom Unije. U radu se prikazuju i konkretne mjere, tijela i mehanizmi Europske unije koji služe zaštiti vanjskih granica Europske unije ali i funkcioniranju jedinstvenog tržišta EU-a.
Databáze: OpenAIRE