Polar cruisers
Autor: | Seršić, Antonio |
Přispěvatelé: | Frančić, Vlado, Maglić, Lovro, Kos, Serđo |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2022 |
Předmět: | |
Popis: | Tema ovoga rada je putnički brodovi za kružna putovanja koji plove u području leda. Sam rad je podijeljen u 6 poglavlja u kojima se pobliže predstavljaju glavne značajke današnjih polarnih plovila. U prvom poglavlju „uvod“ čitatelju se ukratko predstavlja sama problematika teme koja se kasnije u radu detaljnije razrađuje. Drugo i treće poglavlju pobliže opisuju tijek i razvoj industrije i brodova kroz povijest. Kompanije koje su nastale zbog povećanja potražnje kao i rast same flote brodova, opisane su u poglavlju tri. Najveća pažnja usmjerena je na četvrto poglavlje „specifična konstrukcijska obilježja“ gdje su u detalje biti opisani materijali koji se upotrebljavaju, dizajn samih brodova u izgradnji, kao i njihova propulzija i druga obilježja. Posljednja velika tema, koja se ujedno tiče i polarnoga pravilnika, navodi određene zahtjeve i norme koje su brodovi i posada obvezni zadovoljavati kako bi brod bio sposoban za plovidbu polarnim područjem. Šesto poglavlje pobliže se dotiče najmodernijega polarnoga broda na svijetu te njegovih specifičnosti po kojima se razlikuje od ostalih brodova današnjice. The topic of this paper is passenger ships for cruise trips that sail in the ice area. The work itself is divided into 6 chapters in which the main features of today's polar vessels will be presented in more detail. In the first chapter "introduction" reader is presented with the very issue of the paper which is later elaborated more in detail. In the second and third chapters, the course of creation and development of industry and ships throughout history will be described in more detail. Companies that were created due to rising demand, as well as the growth of the ship fleet itself, will be described in chapter three. The greatest attention will be focused on the fourth chapter "specific construction features", where the materials used, the design of the ships under construction, as well as their propulsion and other features will be described in detail. The last big topic, which also concerns the polar code, states the certain requirements and standards which the ships and it's staff is required to satisfy in order for the ship to be seaworthy in polar areas. In the sixth chapter, we will take a closer look at the most modern polar ship in the world and its specific features that distinguish it from other ships of today. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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