Autor: Perin, Višnja
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Andragoški glasnik : Glasilo Hrvatskog andragoškog društva
Volume 18
Issue 2. (33)
ISSN: 1849-0883
Popis: Poznata je činjenica da se konkurentnost poduzeća u svijetu između ostalog postiže i brigom za konstantnim obrazovanjem i usavršavanjem zaposlenika. Kao ključni faktori konkurentnosti u ekonomskoj literaturi navode se ljudski kapital i organizacijsko znanje, a oba faktora se razvijaju kroz obrazovanje i usavršavanje zaposlenika. U radu se razmatra stav poslodavaca prema usavršavanju i osposobljavanju vlastitih zaposlenika. Koriste se podaci iz istraživanja provedenog na poslodavcima u dominantnim djelatnostima gospodarstva u Zadarskoj županiji kroz projekt Kompetentni dionici – snažno partnerstvo. Rezultati pokazuju da iako su poslodavci svjesni potrebitosti usavršavanja vještina i znanja zaposlenika u svrhu podizanja produktivnosti i konkurentske prednosti na tržištu, mali broj njih sustavno brine o usavršavanju i osposobljavanju svojih zaposlenika te ulaže svoje resurse u usavršavanje znanja i vještina svojih zaposlenika.
As is widely known, the competitiveness of companies in the world is achieved by, among other things, concern for the constant education and training of employees. As key factors of competitiveness, economic literature states human capital and organizational knowledge, and both factors are developed through education and training of employees. The paper discusses the attitude of employers towards the development and training of its employees. The data come from a study conducted on employers in the dominant economic activities in Zadar County through the project Competent Stakeholders - a Strong Partnership. The results show that, although employers are aware of the necessity of development of skills and knowledge of employees in order to raise productivity and competitive advantage in the market, few of them systematically take care of professional development and training of its employees and invests its resources in the development of knowledge and skills of their employees.
Databáze: OpenAIRE