Update on the recent progress of the CUORE experiment

Autor: Collaboration, CUORE, Adams, DQ, Alduino, C, Alfonso, K, III, FT Avignone, Azzolini, O, Bari, G, Bellini, F, Benato, G, Bersani, A, Biassoni, M, Branca, A, Brofferio, C, Bucci, C, Caminata, A, Campani, A, Canonica, L, Cao, XG, Capelli, S, Cappelli, L, Cardani, L, Carniti, P, Casali, N, Cassina, L, Chiesa, D, Chott, N, Clemenza, M, Copello, S, Cosmelli, C, Cremonesi, O, Creswick, RJ, Cushman, JS, D'Addabbo, A, D'Aguanno, D, Dafinei, I, Davis, CJ, Dell'Oro, S, Deninno, MM, Domizio, S Di, Dompè, V, Drobizhev, A, Fang, DQ, Faverzani, M, Ferri, E, Ferroni, F, Fiorini, E, Franceschi, MA, Freedman, SJ, Fujikawa, BK, Giachero, A, Gironi, L, Giuliani, A, Gladstone, L, Gorla, P, Gotti, C, Gutierrez, TD, Han, K, Heeger, KM, Hennings-Yeomans, R, Huang, RG, Huang, HZ, Johnston, J, Keppel, G, Kolomensky, Yu G, Leder, A, Ligi, C, Ma, YG, Marini, L, Martinez, M, Maruyama, RH, Mei, Y, Moggi, N, Morganti, S, Nagorny, SS, Napolitano, T, Nastasi, M, Nones, C, Norman, EB, Novati, V, Nucciotti, A, Nutini, I, O'Donnell, T, Ouellet, JL, Pagliarone, CE, Pallavicini, M, Palmieri, V, Pattavina, L, Pavan, M, Pessina, G, Pira, C, Pirro, S, Pozzi, S, Previtali, E, Puiu, A, Reindl, F, Rosenfeld, C, Rusconi, C, Sakai, M, Sangiorgio, S, Santone, D
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: CUORE is a 741 kg array of 988 TeO$_2$ bolometeric crystals designed to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{130}$Te and other rare processes. CUORE has been taking data since summer 2017, and as of summer 2018 collected a total of 86.3 kg$\cdot$yr of TeO$_2$ exposure. Based on this exposure, we were able to set a limit on the $0\nu\beta\beta$ half-life of $^{130}$Te of $T^{0\nu}_{1/2}>1.5\times10^{25}$ yr at 90% C.L. At this conference, we showed the decomposition of the CUORE background and were able to extract a $^{130}$Te $2\nu\beta\beta$ half-life of $T_{1/2}^{2\nu}=[7.9\pm0.1 \mathrm{(stat.)}\pm0.2 \mathrm{(syst.)}]\times10^{20}$ yr. This is the most precise measurement of this half-life and is consistent with previous measurements.
Databáze: OpenAIRE