The State of Knowledge of Cooking Terminology and Utensils among Elementary School Teacher Trainees

Autor: Mochiduki, Teruyo, Itou, Keiko
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 初等教育カリキュラム研究. 4:65-70
Popis: 日常の調理に使用されていると考えられる調理器具等や食材の切り方に関して,小学校教員養成課程の学生がどの程度の知識を有しているかについて調査を行った。大学3年生を対象とし,調理器具等31種類,切り方15種類の写真あるいは図を示して,それぞれの名称を回答させた。回答者は,男子57名,女子78名であった。切り方の名称に関しては,すべて女子の正答率が男子より高かった。また,男女ともに正答率の高かった切り方は,みじん切り,いちょう切り,輪切り,で、あった。調理器具等の名称で正答率が高かったのは,男女ともにフライパン,まな板,鍋,包丁,と調理の基本的器具であり,家庭での所有率および使用率の高いと考えられる器具で、あった。一方,裏ごし器,茶托,のように家庭での所有率や使用頻度の低くなっていると思われる器具の正答率は非常に低かった。調理器具等の正答率は,家庭での所有率や使用率を反映しているものと推測された。
We conducted a survey to determine the extent of knowledge among elementary school trainee teachers of kitchen utensils and techniques of cutting ingredients. Third-year university students were selected as subjects and asked to provide answers to sets of questions relating to pictures or figures of 15 different cutting techniques and 31 different types of cooking utensil. The respondents consisted of 57 men and 78 women. All the women achieved a higher number of correct answers than did the men regarding the cutting techniques. The study also revealed that the percentage of correct answers was equally high, regardless of sex, for fine slicing, cutting rounds, and cutting quarter-rounds. Among the preparation equipment, the frying pan, the cutting board, the cooking pot, and the cooking knife, which were assumed to be the utensils most commonly owned and used at home, accounted for the highest percentage of correct answers from both men and women. A noticeably low percentage of correct answers was obtained for kitchen devices usually regarded as rarely used or owned at home, such as the strainer or the saucer. We thus infer that the percentage of correct answers with regard to kitchen utensils reflected their domestic ownership and use.
Databáze: OpenAIRE