Crack growth behaviour of low-alloy steels for pressure boundary components under transient light water reactor operating conditions - CASTOC, Part I: BWR/NWC conditions

Autor: Stefan Ritter, Seifert, H. P., Devrient, B., Ehrnstén, U., Ernestová, M., Föhl, J., Goméz-Briceño, D., Lapeña, J., Roth, A., Weissenberg, T., Žamboch, M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Ritter, S, Seifert, H P, Devrient, B, Ehrnstén, U, Ernestova, M, Föhl, J, Goméz-Briceno, D, Lapena, J, Roth, A, Weissenberg, T & Zamboch, M 2004, Crack growth behaviour of low-alloy steels for pressure boundary components under transient light water reactor operating conditions-CASTOC, Part I: BWR/NWC conditions . in Long term prediction & modelling of corrosion : Proceedings EUROCORR 2004 . CEFRACOR, EFC Event, no. 266, 2nd International Workshop on Prediction of Long Term Corrosion Behaviour in Nuclear Waste Systems, EUROCORR 2004, Nice, France, 12/09/04 .
Databáze: OpenAIRE