Falling Number Determination of Mixtures of Wheat Flour with Barley Flour Made from Bosut and Favorit Barley Varieties

Autor: Kamenjaš, Mateja
Přispěvatelé: Koceva Komlenić, Daliborka
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Ječam je žitarica iz porodice trava (Poaceae) koja se može koristiti u proizvodnji pekarskih proizvoda i ovakvi proizvodi imaju poboljšana nutritivna svojstva i prihvatljive senzorske karakteristike. Cilj rada bio je istražiti utjecaj zamjene dijela pšeničnog brašna (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 i 100 %) ječmenim brašnom na broj padanja po Hagberg-Pertenu. Korišteno je standardno pšenično brašno T-550 i ječmeno brašno dvije sorte ječma BC instituta: Bosut i Favorit. Cijelo zrno obje sorte ječma usitnjeno je na laboratorijskom mlinu. Udio vlage i mineralnih tvari pšeničnog i ječmenih brašna određen je standardnom metodom. Na osnovi rezultata istraživanja provedenih u ovom radu može se zaključiti da udio ječmenog brašna ima statistički značajan utjecaj na broj padanja po Hagberg-Pertenu. Povećanje udjela ječmenog brašna obje ispitivane sorte ječma rezultiralo je povećanjem broja padanja smjese pšeničnog i ječmenog brašna. Barley, cereal plant of the grass family Poaceae, can be used in the production of the bakery products and these products have improved nutritional characteristics and acceptable sensory properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of replacing a part of the wheat flour (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 %) with barley flour on Hagberg-Perten Falling number. Standard wheat flour T-550 was used, as well as barley flour of two barley varieties of the BC Institute: Bosut and Favorit. Whole grains of both barley varieties were grinded on a laboratory mill. The moisture and mineral content of the wheat and barley flour was determinated by the standard method. Based on the results of research carried out in this paper it can be concluded that the proportion of barley flour has a statistically significant impact on Hagberg-Perten falling number. The falling number increased with the increase levels of barley flour substitution in wheat-barley blends.
Databáze: OpenAIRE