Effects of two different dietary fermentable carbohydrates on activity and heat production in group-housed growing pigs

Autor: Rijnen, M. M. J. A., Verstegen, M. W. A., Heetkamp, M. J. W., Johan Schrama
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Journal of Animal Science 81 (2003) 5
Journal of Animal Science, 81(5), 1210-1219
ISSN: 0021-8812
Popis: The effects of two sources of dietary fiber (DF) on behavior and heat production (HP) in group-housed growing pigs were studied. Twenty clusters of 14 barrows (50 kg) were fed one of 10 diets. Diets differed mainly in type,and content of fermentable DF (fDF) and in content of digestible starch. Five diets contained solvent-extracted coconut meal (SECM) and five diets contained soybean hulls (SBH) as the main fDF source. On an as-fed basis, pigs received 3.5, 13.2, 23.0, 32.7, or 42.4 g(.)kg(-0.75.)d(-I) of SECM or SBH. A total of 280 crossbred. growing pigs were used, divided into clusters of 14 pigs each. Pigs were group-housed and fed at 2.5 times the assumed maintenance energy requirements. All clusters were fed similar amounts of NE, ileal-digestible protein and amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Consequently, DMI differed among diets because NE content decreased with increasing DF content. After a 32-d preliminary period, HP was measured per cluster during a 7-d experimental period in environmentally controlled respiration chambers. Behavior of the pigs was recorded using time-lapse video recordings during two different days within the experimental period. Intake of digestible starch and fDF was different (P
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