Early detection of diabetes mellitus in family medicine

Autor: Marija Vrca-Botica, Milica Katić, Ivana Katić-Milošević
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Medica Jadertina
Volume 37
Issue 3-4
ISSN: 0351-0093
Popis: Incidencija dijabetesa melitusa danas zauzima epidemijske razmjere. 90-95% bolesnika cine pacijenti s Tipom 2 dijabetesa. Bolest se sporo razvija, i ima dugu asimptomatsku fazu. Klinicki se otkrije nakon 5-10 godina trajanja. Bolesnik s dijabetesom, zbog komplikacija bolesti, umire ranije od svojih vršnjaka bez dijabetesa. Poznati su pozitivni ucinci ranog otkrivanja bolesti – probiranjem (skriningom). Još nisu nadeni idealni modeli provodenja probiranja za rano otkrivanje bolesti, za otkrivanje stadija povecane glukoze natašte i stadija oštecene tolerancije glukoze. Nisu dobiveni efinitivni odgovori ni na pitanja: tko ce provoditi skrining, gdje ce se provoditi i kako? Kako odrediti rizicne skupine? Kako provoditi probiranje u tranzicijskoj obiteljskoj medicini? Znanost i struka se u jednome slažu: obiteljski lijecnik ima kljucnu ulogu u ranom otkrivanju bolesti.
The incidence of diabetes mellitus today precedes epidemic dimensions. 90-95% of diabetic patients have type 2 diabetes. The disease develops slowly, and it has a long asymptomatic phase. Clinical detection comes after 5-10 years of disease duration. Due to disease complications, diabetic patients die earlier than their peers without diabetes. Positive effects of early disease detection (screening) are well known. The perfect models of screening for early diseases detection high level fasting glucose stage and the impaired glucose tolerance stage detection haven’t been found yet. Definitive answers to the following questions haven’t also been found yet – Who will conduct the screening, where and how? How to determine the risk groups? How to conduct the screening in transitional family medicine? Science and profession concur in one thing: the family practitioner has the key role in early disease etection.
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