Reconstruction of basal heat flow, surface temperature, source rock maturity, and hydrocarbon generation in salt-dominated dutch basins

Autor: Verweij, H.M., Echternach, M.S.C., Witmans, N., Abdul Fattah, R.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Basin Modeling: New Horizons in Research and Applications, 175-195
Popis: A rapidly growing demand for improved understanding of the Dutch subsurface exists because of the need for alternative energy supplies, such as geothermal energy, as well as for finding and producing more oil and gas in this mature area for petroleum exploration. We use basin modeling to integrate the wealth of new data and information that are increasingly available on the Dutch subsurface. In addition, we develop different approaches to improve the basin modeling results. Here, we present novel approaches to reconstruct the surface and bottom thermal boundary conditions for basin modeling. The first approach involves assessment of Tertiary sediment-water interface temperatures from information on local and global climate changes that was recently discovered using geobiological and geochemical techniques. The second approach involves multiple one-dimensional probabilistic tectonic heat-flow modeling to calculate the basal heat-flow history and construct paleo– heat-flow maps. This chapter presents modeling results for the Terschelling Basin and southern part of the Dutch Central Graben that demonstrate the effect of incorporating the tectonic heat-flow boundary condition and detailed knowledge of Tertiary climate changes on source rock maturity and hydrocarbon generation. The simulation results showa marked difference in generated hydrocarbon volumes and a shift in the timing of Tertiary generation compared with simulations using a default surface temperature boundary condition based on paleolatitudes of the research area
Databáze: OpenAIRE