Towards a Classification of Architecture Initiatives: Outlining the External Factors

Autor: Christian Lindschou Hansen, Niels Henrik Mortensen, Lars Hvam
Zdroj: Technical University of Denmark Orbit
Hansen, C L, Mortensen, N H & Hvam, L 2012, Towards a Classification of Architecture Initiatives: Outlining the External Factors . in Proceedings of NordDesign Conference 2012 . Aalborg University, Center for Industrial Production, NordDesign 2012, Aalborg, Denmark, 22/08/2012 .
Popis: This paper introduced a set of external factors capturing the contextual differences that set the stage for architecture initiatives. These are derived from a systems theoretical approach recognizing the fact that architecture initiatives should respond the challenges posed by the external environment in which the company and the future product program is operating. The outlining of the factors are based on the conviction that no one-fits-all exists, when it comes to architecture initiatives, and the notion that it is impossible to truly evaluate whether an architecture initiative is good or bad, without including the contextual differences. The purpose of the external factors is to improve scoping and goal setting of architecture initiatives, and improve comparability between- and transferability of knowledge from architecture initiatives. The external factors are a first step towards an actual classification of architecture initiatives.
Databáze: OpenAIRE