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Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učeničku percepciju kvalitete socijalnih odnosa u srednjim školama te utvrditi razlikuju li se učenici prema percepciji kvalitete socijalnih odnosa s obzirom na spol, vrstu srednje škole, razred, školski uspjeh i školske izostanke. U radu je korištena metoda anketiranja. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom listopada i studenog 2018. godine. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 384 učenika drugih, trećih i četvrtih razreda šest srednjih škola u Splitu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako učenici bolje percipiraju kvalitetu socijalnih odnosa između i od strane odraslih u školi, nego što percipiraju kvalitetu socijalnih odnosa između i od strane učenika. Također, rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na postojanje statistički značajne razlike u učeničkoj percepciji kvalitete socijalnih odnosa u školi, među i od strane učenika s obzirom na spol, školski uspjeh, vrstu škole i školske izostanke. Utvrđena je i statistički značajna razlika u učeničkoj percepciji kvalitete socijalnih odnosa u školi od strane i među odraslima s obzirom na razred koji učenici pohađaju i školske izostanke. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu za kontinuiranim radom na poboljšanju kvalitete socijalnih odnosa među svim sudionicima odgojno-obrazovnog procesa, pri čemu se naglasak stavlja na važnost pedagoške prakse, koja može pridonijeti sustavnijem i kvalitetnijem kreiranju okruženja u kojem će se razvijati dobri međuljudski odnosi. The aim of this research was to examine students’ perceptions of the quality of social relations in secondary schools and to determine whether students differ towards the perception of the quality of social relations in terms of gender, type of secondary school, class, and school success and school absenteeism. In this paper the survey method was used. The research was conducted during the months of October and November of 2018. The study involved 384 students belonging to the second, third and fourth grades from six secondary schools in Split. Research results have shown that students better perceive the quality of social relations held between the adults in school than they perceive the quality of social relationships between their peers. Also, research results point to the existence of statistically significant differences in students’ perceptions of the quality of social relations in school, between and by the students with regards to gender, success in the school, type of school and school absenteeism. It was also stated a statistically significant difference in the students' perception of the quality of social relations in the school by and between the adults with regards to the class that students attend and school absences. The obtained results aim to the need for the continuous work on the improvement of the quality of social relations among all participants in the educational process, with the emphasis put on the importance of pedagogical practice, which can contribute to a systematic and better quality while creating of an environment in which good interpersonal relationships will be developed. |