Infrared band strengths and optical constants of solid methanol

Autor: Maté, Belén, Molpeceres, Germán, Satorre, Miguel Angel, Luna, Ramón, Ortigoso, Juan, Domingo, M.
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC: Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Popis: Our Astro-Chemical HistoryPast, Present, and FutureSept. 10-14 September, Assen, The Netherlands (2018 ). -.
Ices mantles on dust grains in dense clouds in the interstellar medium are formed mainly by H2O, CO and CO2. Methanol is the fourth most abundant species in those mantles with an abundance of 6% with respect to water [1]. Solid methanol has also been detected on the surface of minor bodies of the Solar System like some TNOs and Centarus [2]. The information about the composition and structure of astrophysical ices, and in particular confirmation of the presence of solid methanol, is based on the comparison of infrared absorption spectra retrieved by spatial missions or ground based observatories with laboratory data [3]. The goal of this work is to provide new spectroscopic data of solid methanol in the near and mid IR spectral range, that could help to identify and quantify this species in astrophysical ices. Densities and visible refractive index for methanol ices at eight temperatures, from 20 K to 130 K, have been measured. The infrared band strengths and optical constants of those ices from 650 cm tto 5000 cm (15.4 ¿m to 2.0 ¿m) were also determined, following the procedure described previously [4]. Comparison with other literature data, when available, will be commented.
The increasing capabilities of space missions like the James Webb Space Telescope or ground-based observatories like the European Extremely Large Telescope demand high quality laboratory data of species in astrophysical conditions for the interpretation of their findings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE