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Usnatice (Lamiaceae) biljke su koje se sve više koriste u prehrani ljudi i životinja. Jedna je od vrsta porodice usnatica biljka Chia (Salvia hispanica L.). Vrlo često nazivamo je „super hrana“ zbog svojih fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava. Uglavnom se uzgaja radi sjemenja koje sadrži 25-35% ulja. Sjeme se može koristiti sirovo; samljeveno ili cjelovito. Nakon berbe, važno je pravilno doraditi i uskladištiti sjeme kako bi zadržalo svoja kemijska i fizikalna svojstva do uporabe. U postupku dorade sjemena najznačajniji je postupak dorade sušenjem. Proces sušenja podrazumijeva smanjenje vlažnosti na ravnotežnu vrijednost čime mu se produljuje upotrebna vrijednost. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate promjena kemijskih i fizikalnih karakteristika BIO i konvencionalnih chia sjemenki iz Paragvaja. Prikupljenim uzorcima odredit će se kemijski sastav i fizikalne karakteristike prije i nakon postupka dorade. Postupak dorade sjemenja obuhvaća konvekcijsko sušenje na tri temperature (50°C, 60°C i 70°C), te kondukcijsko sušenje na tri temperature (120°C, 130°C i 140°C). Nakon provedenih postupaka sušenja, svakom uzorku od kemijskih karakteristika odredit će se udio pepela, vlage, masti, vlakna i proteina te od fizikalnih karakteristika dimenzije (dužina, širina i debljina zrna). Lamiaceae are plants that are increasingly being used in human and animal nutrition. One of the species of the lamiaceae family is a plant known as Chia (Salvia hispanica L.). Chia is often referred to as a “superfood” because of its physicochemical properties. It is usually cultivated for the seeds which are composed of 25-35 % oil. The seeds can be consumed raw, either ground or whole. After the harvest, it is important to properly treat and store the seeds in order for them to retain their chemical and physical properties until usage. The most relevant treatment in the seeds processing operation is the drying process. The drying process entails reducing the humidity levels down to an optimal degree, thus extending the use value of the seeds. This thesis presents the results of the changes in the physical and chemical properties of the BIO and conventional chia seeds from Paraguay. The collected samples’ chemical properties and physical characteristics are going to be examined before and after the processing operation. The processing operation of the seeds includes convection drying at the three temperatures (50°C, 60°C, and 70°C), and conduction drying at the three temperatures (120°C, 130°C, and 140°C). Once the processing operations are conducted, each sample's chemical properties are going to be examined with regard to the percentage of the ashes, humidity, fats, fibers, and proteins, and the physical properties with regard to the dimensions (length, width, and the thickness of the seed). |