Study, Design and Implementation of an Application Specific Instruction SetProcessor for a Specific DSP Task

Autor: Packiaraj, Vivek
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Popis: There is a lot of literature already available describing well-structured approach for embeddeddesign and implementation of Application Specific Integrated Processor (ASIP) micro processorcore. This concept features hardware structured approach for implementation of processor core fromminimal instruction set, encoding standards, hardware mapping, and micro architecture design,coding conventions, RTL,verification and burning into a FPGA. The goal is to design an ASIPprocessor core (Micro architecture design and RTL) which can perform DSP task, e.g., FIR. Thereport is a well structured approach of design and implementation of an ASIP DSP processor forDSP applications like FIR. This report contains design flow starting from Instruction set design,micro architecture design and RTL implementation of the core. Details of the power simulationsof FPGA are also listed and analyzed.
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