Modern market of labor force within the European Union

Autor: Varga, Morena
Přispěvatelé: Stiperski, Zoran
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Nemoguće je postojanje tržišta radne snage bez radnika i poslodavaca, tj. radne snage. U novije vrijeme sve se više vrednuje ljudski faktor te sposobnost radnika. Stanje na tržištu rada unutar Europske unije te procese vezane uz radnu snagu moguće je pratiti putem migracijskih kretanja, prvenstveno kroz radne migracije. Europska se unija osim brojnih prednosti za svoje radnike poput slobode kretanja ističe i nekim negativnim stranama kod zapošljavanja. Europska unija društveno i gospodarski zaostaje za svojim konkurentima Kinom, Japanom i SAD-om zato jer ne ulaže dovoljno u razvoj i tehnologiju te postoji niska razina zaposlenosti među ženskom populacijom te starijim stanovništvom. No, najveći problem je svakako starenje stanovništva što dovodi do smanjenja radno aktivnog kontingenta. U Hrvatskoj, koja je već 5 godina također članica Europske unije, situacija nije mnogo bolja. U 2017. godini je zabilježeno smanjenje nezaposlenosti te blagi porast zaposlenih osoba, no unatoč tome, velik broj stanovništva odlazi na rad u inozemstvo. Najviše odlazi mlado i visokoobrazovano stanovništvo i to u Njemačku, Austriju, Italiju te Irsku. Problemi koji pogađaju Hrvatsku, kao i čitavu Europsku uniju, su smanjivanje i starenje te nedostatak radne snage čiji se manji gubici nadoknađuju uvozom radne snage iz ostalih dijelova Europe ili pak migrantima sa Bliskog istoka i sjeverne Afrike što je ujedno i najznačajnija migracijska struja u novije vrijeme. It is impossible to have a market of labor force without workers and employers or labor force. In recent times, the human factor becomes more and more valued, as well as the ability of workers. Conditions on labor market within the European Union and labor-related processes can be monitored through migration movements, primarily through the labor migration. The European Union, in addition to numerous benefits for its workers such as freedom of movement, also stands out for some negative sides in employment. The European Union is socially and economically behind its competitors such as China, Japan and the United States, because it doesn’t invest enough in development and technology and there is a low level of employment among the female population and the elderly people. But the biggest problem is certainly the aging of population, which leads to a reduction in the labor-active contingent. In Croatia, which is already a member of the European Union for five years, the situation isn't better. In 2017, there was a decrease in unemployment and a slight increase in the number of employed persons, but in spite of that, a large number of people go to work abroad. The youngest and the highest educated population goes to Germany, Austria, Italy and Ireland. Problems which affect Croatia, as well as the whole of the European Union, are the reduction and aging and the shortage of labor force, whose smaller losses are compensated by the import of labor force from other parts of Europe or migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, which is the most significant migration current in recent times.
Databáze: OpenAIRE