4MOST Scientific Operations

Autor: Walcher, C., Banerji, M., Battistini, C., Bell, C., Bellido-Tirado, O., Bensby, T., Bestenlehner, J., Boller, T., Brynnel, J., Casey, A., Chiappini, C., Christlieb, N., Church, R., Cioni, M., Croom, S., Comparat, J., Davies, L., de Jong, R., Dwelly, T., Enke, H., Feltzing, S., Feuillet, D., Fouesneau, M., Ford, D., Frey, S., Gonzalez-Solares, E., Gueguen, A., Howes, L., Irwin, M., Klar, J., Kordopatis, G., Korn, A., Krumpe, M., Kushniruk, I., Lam, M., Lewis, J., Lind, K., Liske, J., Loveday, J., Mainieri, V., Martell, S., Matijevic, G., McMahon, R., Merloni, A., Murphy, D., Niederhofer, F., Norberg, P., Pramskiy, A., Romaniello, M., Robotham, A., Rothmaier, F., Ruchti, G., Schnurr, O., Schwope, A., Smedley, S., Sorce, J., Starkenburg, E., Stilz, I., Storm, J., Tempel, E., Thi, W., Traven, G., Valentini, M., van den Ancker, M., Walton, N., Winkler, R., Worley, C.
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: The Messenger
Popis: The 4MOST instrument is a multi-object spectrograph that will address Galactic and extragalactic science cases simultaneously by observing targets from a large number of different surveys within each science exposure. This parallel mode of operation and the survey nature of 4MOST require some distinct 4MOST- specific operational features within the overall operations model of ESO. The main feature is that the 4MOST Consortium will deliver, not only the instrument, but also contractual services to the user community, which is why 4MOST is also described as a facility. This white paper concentrates on information particularly useful to answering the forthcoming Call for Letters of Intent.
Databáze: OpenAIRE