C-reactive protein monitoring in children with acute asthma

Autor: Raos, Miljenko, Dodig, Slavica
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Paediatria Croatica
Volume 51
Issue 3
ISSN: 1330-1403
Popis: Cilj: Ispitati može li se određivanje koncentracije hsCRP (high sensitivity C-reactive protein) primijeniti kao biomarker u praćenju uspješnosti terapije akutne egzacerbacije astme u djece. Ispitanici i metode: U ispitivanje je uključeno 28-ero djece kontrolne skupine i 27-ero djece hospitalizirane zbog liječenja akutnog napadaja astme. Liječenje akutne egzacerbacije provedeno je kontinuiranom inhalacijom 2-agonista brzog djelovanja te primjenom inghalacijskih kortikosteroida. Za određivanje hsCRP uzorkovani su serumi bolesnika prije terapije i tri dana nakon terapije. Koncentracija hsCRP određena je imunoturbidimetrijskom metodom na lateks česticama na biokemijskom analizatoru AU400. Rezultati: Koncentracija hsCRP bila je statistički značajno veća u djece s astmom (prije terapije: 3,00 ± 1,92 mg/l; tri dana nakon terapije: 0,80 ± 0,61 mg/l) nego u djece kontrolne skupine (0,36 ± 0,21 mg/l). Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na to da bi hsCRP mogao biti nespecifičan biomarker za praćenje upale u djece s akutnom egzacerbacijom astme. Međutim, potrebna su nova istraživanja koja bi utvrdila korelaciju između specifičnih i nespecifičnih biomarkera upale u astmi.
Aim: To assess whether the determination of high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) could bi used as biomarker of successful drug administration in children with asthma exacerbation. Subjects and methods: The study included 28 control children and 27 pediatric asthmatics who were hospitalized for treatment of asthma exacerbation. All patients were treated with continuous inhalations of short acting 2-agonists and inhaled corticosteroids administration. A pair of routine serum samples (one taken before and one three days after drug administration) were taken for hsCRP determination. The concentration of hsCRP was determined by the immunoturbidimetric method on latex particles on an Olympus AU400 biochemistry analyzer. Results: The concentration of hsCRP was statistically significantly higher in children with asthma (before drug administration: 3.00 ± 1.92 mg/L; three days after drug administration: 0.80 ± 0.61 mg/L) than in healthy children (0.36 ± 0.21 mg/L). Conclusion: Study results suggest that hsCRP could have the potential as a nonspecific biomarker for monitoring inflammation in children with asthma exacerbation. Further research is are needed to find the correlation between specific and nonspecific biomarkers of inflammation in asthma.
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