Intelligence of Solution Search:Linking errors back to problems

Autor: Yakob, Ramsin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: This paper investigates the iterative process between analytical-and directional solutionsearch modes in complex problem-solving. It aims to contribute to the growing stream of researchthat focuses on the evolution of solution search strategies that underlie the unfolding ofknowledge-intensive activities in projects. The theoretical departure is the distinction betweenanalytical and directional reasoning in solution search. Empirical material is collected from aqualitative-case study of design engineering activities in a platform development project at VolvoCar Corporation. Personal interviews, project documentation and observations are used to establishconstruct and internal validity of findings. Results show that the search for solutions to complexobstacles is more than a monotonic process of representing action-outcome linkages andsubsequently exploring such beliefs. Synthesized search is discussed as an important mechanismfor reducing knowledge gaps between errors and their underlying problems, and the subsequentdiscrepance between believed action-outcome linkages. Results are presented through a dynamicsolution search model illuminating the relationship between three different forms of solutionsearch modes: analytical-, directional- and synthesized search.
Databáze: OpenAIRE