AC hot carrier transport in 3C- and 6H-SiC in the terahertz frequency and high lattice temperature regime

Autor: Bezerra, E. F., Caetano, E. W. S., Freire, V. N., Costa, J. A. P. da, Silva Jr., E. F. da
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Brazilian Journal of Physics v.32 n.2a 2002
Brazilian Journal of Physics
Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF)
Brazilian Journal of Physics, Volume: 32, Issue: 2a, Pages: 442-444, Published: JUN 2002
Popis: The complex mobility of electrons in 3C - and 6H-SiC subjected to intense high frequency electric fields is calculated taking into account effects of band nonparabolicity. The electric field, given by a dc component plus an ac component in the frequency range 0.1-100 THz, is applied along the [0001] ([111]) direction in the hexagonal (cubic) polytype. The real electron mobility presents a characteristic maximum peaking around 6-8 THz, while the imaginary electron mobility is structured, with characteristic minimum and maximum around 2-3 THz and 20{30 THz, respectively. These mobilities are seen to smooth down for higher temperatures in both polytypes.
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