Placental T2* in normal pregnancy and in two cases of Fetal Growth restriction

Autor: Marianne Munk Sinding, anne sørensen, David Peters, Eva Hoseth, Carsten Simonsen, Astrid Christine Petersen, Ole Bjarne Christiansen, Niels Uldbjerg
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Sinding, M M, Sørensen, A N, Peters, D, Hoseth, E, Simonsen, C, Petersen, A C, Christiansen, O B & Uldbjerg, N 2014, Placental T2* in normal pregnancy and in two cases of Fetal Growth restriction . in Fetal MRI 2014 Abstract Book ., 43479, Asia Pacific Perinatal Imaging Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 15/03/2014 . < >
Sinding, M M, Sørensen, A N, Peters, D, Hoseth, E, Simonsen, C, Petersen, A C, Christiansen, O B & Uldbjerg, N 2014, ' Placental T2* in normal pregnancy and in two cases of fetal growth restriction ', Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, vol. 44, no. Supl. 1, OP22.09, pp. 133-134 .
Aalborg University
Sinding, M M, Sørensen, A N, Peters, D, Hoseth, E, Simonsen, C, Petersen, A C, Christiansen, O B & Uldbjerg, N 2014, ' Placental T2* in normal pregnancy and in two cases of Fetal Growth restriction ', International Conference on Fetal Growth, Oxford, United Kingdom, 01/10/2014-03/10/2014 . < >
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