Design tool for offshore wind farm clusters

Autor: Charlotte Bay Hasager, Gregor Giebel, Igor Waldl, Gerard Schepers
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Hasager, C B, Giebel, G, Waldl, I & Schepers, G 2015, Design tool for offshore wind farm clusters . in Proceedings of DEWEK 2015, 12th German Wind Energy Conference . DEWI, 12th German Wind Energy Conference, Bremen, Germany, 19/05/2015 .
Technical University of Denmark Orbit
Hasager, C B, Giebel, G, Waldl, I & Schepers, G 2015, Design tool for offshore wind farm clusters . in DEWEK 2015, 12th German Wind Energy Conference. Book of Abstracts . DEWI, pp. 70, 12th German Wind Energy Conference, Bremen, Germany, 19/05/2015 .
Popis: The Design Tool for Offshore wind farm Clusters (DTOC) is a software tool to facilitate the optimised design of both, individual and clusters of offshore wind farms. DTOC is developed with the support of an EC funded FP7 project with contributions from science partners from the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) and a number of industrial partners. The approach has been to develop a robust, efficient, easy to use and flexible tool, which integrates software relevant for planning offshore wind farms and wind farm clusters and supports the user with a clear optimization work flow. The software includes wind farm wake models, energy yield models, inter-array and long cable and grid component models, grid code compliance and ancillary services models. The common score for evaluation in order to compare different layouts is levelized cost of energy (LCoE). The integrated DTOC software is developed within the project using open interface standards and is now available as the commercial software product Wind&Economy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE