Community Knowledge and Attitude on Malaria in Outbreak Area Rowokele Subdistrict, Kebumen Regency: an Ethnoscience Perspective

Autor: Anggi Septia Irawan, Aryani Pujiyanti, Wiwik Trapsilowati
Jazyk: indonéština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, Vol 17, Iss 4 Okt, Pp 363-370 (2015)
BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
ISSN: 2354-8738
Popis: Background: Malaria was becoming a re-emerging disease in central java, especially for Kebumen Regency, it has been hit by malaria outbreak with the increasing case. A study was conducted in rural area of sub district Rowokele, Kebumen, Central java to identify local knowledge and practice of the community that has been becoming one of the important factors for vector borne disease control, including malaria control. Methods: This research was conducted between June 2011 and November 2011, applying qualitative method with ethnoscience approach. Data were retrieved from in-depth interviews and focus-group. Qualitative thematic content analysis was applied to understanding sharpening of the social and cultural aspect of malaria disease. Results:Qualitative method using in-depth interview able to explain several findings, such as the result of a local term of malaria, called “udug-udug” in rowokele sub-district. It shows the insufficient understanding of malaria signs and symptoms in the sub of villages, it leads to delay for illness recognition and its treatment. Conclution: Misperceptions on the preventive activities, as well as confusion of malaria with dengue fever, were identified. This study detected risk group of malaria infection in community practices such as a farmer who works in the forest and seasonal migration. Recommendation:Promotion intensification and health education on vector, prevention and therapy are important to be introduced.
Databáze: OpenAIRE