Annual changes in the pasture and weeds productivity and their vegetation on grazing pasture in Yaeyama region

Autor: Kawamoto, Yasuhiro, Sazita, Keiko, Ichiki, Takako, Namihira, Tomoyuki
Jazyk: japonština
Zdroj: 琉球大学農学部学術報告. (50):41-51
ISSN: 0370-4246
Popis: 本研究では八重山地域の放牧草地の草地生産性と植生の年次的推移を明らかにするため,石垣島と黒鳥それぞれ2草地を対象として,4年間に渡る調査を行った.その結果,次のことが明らかとなった.1)各放牧草地の乾物生産量は季節変動はあるものの,4年間の調査を通じてほぼ一定で推移し,石垣島の草地では平均2.6トン/10a/年,黒島の草地では平均1.6トン/10a/年であった.しかし,放牧圧が高くなると植生の変動が認められた.2)乾物生産量と積算優占度における被度と草高の積には正の相関関係が認められ,放牧草地の生産量が推定されることが示された.3)各調査放牧草地の侵入雑草種は数種から30種を越える場合もあることが観察された.
This study was conducted to investigate the annual changes of the pasture production and vegetation including weeds on the four subject pastures in Yaeyama district for throughout four years and analyze the effect of invaded weeds and pasture management on the quantitative movement of pasture productivity. The pasture production was almost constant throughout four years. However, the dominant species in pasture has changed from giant star grass and guinea grass into giant star grass by comparative high grazing pressure, and some weed species have invaded with the passage of time. The dry matter yields in grazing pasture was estimated as the regression equation was obtained between dry matter yields in a quadrat and the product of coverage and plant height out of a quadrat. The number of weed species from several to over 30 species was observated in the subject pastures.
Databáze: OpenAIRE