Autor: Kozjak, Laura
Přispěvatelé: Medunić, Gordana, Fiket, Željka
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Međimurje je najsjeverniji dio Hrvatske, prirodno omeđen rijekama Murom na sjeveru i Dravom na jugu čineći pritom granicu između alpske i panonske geomorfološke cjeline. Na većini područja prevladavaju šume i poljoprivredne površine, no cijela je regija pod pritiskom onečišćivača raznih grana industrije. U ovom radu analizirane su otopljene koncentracije 27 elemenata u površinskoj vodi rijeka Mure i Drave prikupljene na ukupno 14 lokacija kako bi se uspoređivanjem sa zakonskim normama dobio uvid u stanje voda. Analiza je napravljena tehnikom spektrometrije masa visoke razlučivosti uz induktivno spregnutu plazmu. Iako obje rijeke u Hrvatsku ulaze djelomično onečišćene, rezultati pokazuju niske koncentracije većine elemenata što se poklapa s trendom redukcije onečišćenja. Analiza je pokazala da je sumpor u svim uzorcima, kao i bakar na tri lokacije, bio izrazito povišen. S obzirom na nedostatak radova o kvaliteti površinskih voda i ograničen broj uzoraka prilikom izrade ovog rada, potreban je daljnji monitoring za shvaćanje konkretnih uzroka povišenih koncentracija. Međimurje is the northernmost part of Croatia, naturally bordered by the rivers Mura in the north and the Drava in the south, forming the border between Alpine and Pannonian geomorphological units. Forests and agricultural areas predominate in most areas, but the whole region is under pressure from pollutants from various industries. In this paper, the dissolved concentrations of 27 elements in the surface water of the Mura and Drava rivers collected at a total of 14 locations were analyzed in order to obtain an insight into the water status by comparing it with legal norms. The analysis was performed by the technique of high-resolution mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. Although both rivers enter Croatia partially polluted, the results show low concentrations of majority of elements, which coincides with the trend of decreasing pollution. The analysis showed that sulfur in all samples, as well as copper at three locations, was markedly elevated. Given the lack of articles on surface water quality and the limited number of samples in the preparation of this paper, further oversight is needed to understand the specific causes of elevated concentrations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE