A Novel Transmitter Architecture for Spectrally-Precoded OFDM

Autor: Mohamad, Medhat, Nilsson, Rickard, van de Beek, Jaap
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Frequency nulling spectral precoding is an approachthat suppresses the out-of-band emission in OFDM systems.In this paper, we discuss the transmitter architecture of thespectrally precoded OFDM systems. We design a novel precoderthat matches the practical implementation of the OFDM modulator.We show that spectral precoding can relax the analog lowpass filtering requirements of the OFDM system transmitter. Weexamine the effect of spectral precoding on the PAPR as wellas the effect of the PA on the spectral precoding suppressionperformance. We also study the compliance of the spectrallyprecoded OFDM transmitter with the 3GPP standardizationmeasures and analyze its computation complexity. At the receiverside, we analyze the in-band interference and BER performanceof the suggested precoding approach. Validerad;2018;Nivå 2;2018-08-08 (rokbeg)
Databáze: OpenAIRE