The Mannerism of Pavao Pavličić in the Poetic Context and Literary Text

Autor: Galić, Lucija
Přispěvatelé: Levanat Peričić, Miranda
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Kao književna pojava manirizam je često bio predmetom proturječnih pristupa u znanstvenim raspravama o književnosti. Dok je s jedne strane promatran historijski kao razdoblje čije je trajanje ograničeno na period između kasne renesanse i baroka, s druge strane, u tipološkom pristupu, definiran je kao stil koji je rekurzivna pojava i učestalo se javlja u određenim „antiklasičnim“ književnim razdobljima kao reakcija na „klasična“ razdoblja. Takav je pristup uveo E. R. Curtius, a njegovo mišljenje da je manirizam konstanta europske književnosti, donekle preuzima i Pavao Pavličić, no pritom ne isključuje gledanje na manirizam kao na skup stilskih postupaka koji se javlja u određenom razdoblju hrvatske književnosti. Pritom Pavličić primjere manirističkih postupaka promatra u interpretativnom okviru utemeljenom na trima aspektima manirističke poetike – problematiziranju odnosa prema tradiciji, odnosa književnosti i zbilje te odnosa književnosti prema samoj sebi, to jest autotematičnosti. Središnji dio ovoga rada posvećen je izlaganju Pavličićeva teorijskog pristupa poetici manirizma te propitivanju manirističkih tendencija u njegovim romanima Večernji akt (1981.) i Koraljna vrata (1990.), a pritom je analiza njegovih književnih tekstova provedena na temelju interpretativna okvira koji uvodi u svojoj Poetici manirizma (1988.). Zajedničko je obilježje spomenutih romana u kontekstu Pavličićeva tumačenja manirizma da uspješno vode dijalog s tradicijom aktualizirajući je putem citata ili aluzija na djela starije hrvatske književnosti, dok uvođenje fantastike koriste kao mogućnost propitivanja odnosa prema društvenoj zbilji obzirom na značaj koju u njoj ima književnost. As a literary phenomenon, mannerism has often been the subject of contradictory approaches in scientific literature discussions. On the one hand, it has been historically observed as a period whose duration is limited to the time between the late Renaissance and Baroque while on the other hand, in the typological approach, it is defined as a style that is recursive and occurs frequently in certain "anticlastic" literary periods as a reaction to "classic"periods. This approach was introduced by E. R. Curtius and his view that mannerism is the constant of European literature is somewhat taken over by Pavao Pavličić, but does not exclude viewing mannerism as a set of stylistic procedures that occur in a certain period of Croatian literature. Pavličić examines the examples of mannerist approaches in an interpretative framework based on three aspects of manneyristical poetics - the problematization of relations with tradition, the relationship between literature and reality and the relation of literature to oneself, that is, autothematicity. The central part of this paper is devoted to the presentation of Pavličić's theoretical approach to the poetics of mannerism and to the examination of manneristic tendencies in his novels Evening Act (1981) and the Coral Gate (1990), while the analysis of his literary texts was conducted on the basis of an interpretative framework introduced in his Poetics of Mannerism (1988). The common feature of the aforementioned novels in the context of Pavličić's interpretation of mannerism is to successfully lead the dialogue incorporating tradition by actualizing, through citations or allusions, the work of older Croatian literature while the introducing fantasies is used as an opportunity to discuss relations according to social reality given the significance that literature has within it.
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