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U ovom radu obrađena je funkcionalnost i instalacija program Unity, ROS-a, Gazebo-a i TurtleBot3 paketa. Slijedeće preuzima se URDF model TurtelBot3 Burger robota iz ROS-a u Unity te pomoću njega se izgrađuje odgovarajuća scena za kontrolu robota u Gazebo-u iz Unity-a preko ROS most poslužitelja. Nakon toga implementira se vizualizacija LIDAR-a i stanja baterije robota u Unity-u te se cijela aplikacija uspješno povezuje s pravim TurtleBot3 Burger robotom. Zatim slijedi instalacija potrebnih sustava za razvoj aplikacije na Microsoft HoloLens 1 platformu. Konfiguriraju se UI gumbi i sučelje Unity projekta prikladno sučelju HoloLens-a. Implementiraju se SLAM i navigacija TurtleBot3 robota na udaljenom Ubuntu računalu. Završno aplikacija se prebacuje na Microsoft HoloLens platformu te se testiraju sve funkcionalnosti. This paper deals with the functionality and installation of Unity, ROS, Gazebo and TurtleBot3 packages. Next, the URDF model of the TurtelBot3 Burger robot is imported from ROS to Unity, and it is used to build the appropriate scene for robot control from Unity via the ROS bridge server to Gazebo. After that, the visualization of LIDAR and the state of the robot battery is implemented in Unity. Afterwards the entire application is successfully connected to a real TurtleBot3 Burger robot. This is followed by the installation of the necessary systems for application development on the Microsoft HoloLens 1 platform. The UI buttons and the Unity project interface are configured to match the HoloLens interface. SLAM and TurtleBot3 robot navigation are implemented on remote Ubuntu PC. Finally, the application is transferred to the Microsoft HoloLens platform and all functionalities are tested. |