Transformations and trends in the case law of the court of justice of the EU in the field of the internal market after 2004

Autor: Petrlík, David
Přispěvatelé: Tomášek, Michal, Smolek, Martin, Mazák, Ján
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
Soudní dvůr Evropské unie - Vnitřní trh - Svobody pohybu - Volný pohyb zboží - Volný pohyb pracovníků - Volný pohyb služeb - Svoboda usazování - Volný pohyb kapitálu - Působnost - Přeshraniční prvek - Obrácená diskriminace - Omezení volného pohybu - Přímá diskriminace - Nepřímá diskriminace - Překážka - Proporcionalita - Vhodnost - Nezbytnost - Liberalismus - Sociální aspekty - Základní práva - Pragmatismus - Proaktivita - Občanství Unie - Veřejné zakázky
Court of Justice of the European Union - Internal Market - Freedom of movement - Free movement of goods - Free movement of workers - Free movement of services - Freedom of establishment - Free movement of capital - Scope - Cross-border element - Reverse discrimination - Restriction - Direct discrimination - Indirect discrimination - Obstacle - Proporcionality - Suitability - Necessity - Liberalism - Social aspects - Fundamental rights - Pragmatism - Union citizenship - Procurement
Popis: There have been three main sets of trends in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of the internal market after 2004. The first set of trends concerned the criteria of legal analysis, i.e. the scope of EU rules on free movement, the concept of the restriction of free movement and the justification of such restrictions. The second set of trends in the case law is related to the fact that the Court completes its legal analysis by considerations linked to its value orientation of the Court, i.e. its liberalism, social tendencies, protection of fundamental rights, pragmatism and proactivity. The third trend in the case law of the internal market consisted in changing the focus of case law in the sense that the Court has begun to deal with more and more cases from sectoral fields, i.e. fields covered by secondary law.
Databáze: OpenAIRE