Autor: Prša, Marija, Puharić, Zrinka, Berlančić, Terezija, Gašić, Mario
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Acta medica Croatica : Časopis Akademije medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske
Volume 76
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-8897
Popis: Cilj rada bio je ispitati prisutnost sindroma sagorijevanja kod zdravstvenih djelatnika Objedinjenog hitnog bolničkog prijma te analizirati statistički značajne razlike prema spolu, dobi, dužini radnog staža, stupnju obrazovanja i vrsti posla. Metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 147 ispitanika u šest bolnica Republike Hrvatske (odaziv 72,06 %) koji su anonimno pristupili istraživanju putem online ankete. Korišten je sociodemografski upitnik te validirani upitnik naziva „Stres na radnom mjestu bolničkih zdravstvenih djelatnika“ koji je sadržavao 37 čimbenika stresa na radnom mjestu, a ispitanici su ocijenili njihov utjecaj Likertovom ljestvicom. Najveća razina stresa zabilježena je u domeni Organizacija i fi nancije, a najmanja u domeni Opasnosti i štetnosti na poslu. Ispitanice ženskog spola veću količinu stresa percipirale su u domenama Sukobi i komunikacija na poslu te Profesionalni i intelektualni zahtjevi. Zdravstveni djelatnici s visokom stručnom spremom značajnije izraženiji stres imaju u domeni Javne kritike i sudske tužbe te u domeni Sukobi i komunikacija na poslu, dok oni sa srednjom stručnom spremom takvu količinu stresa izražavaju u domeni Opasnosti i štetnosti na poslu. Porastom dobi raste i razina stresa kod zdravstvenih djelatnika. Pod utjecajem stresa je ukupno 26,5 % ispitanika. Viša količina stresa prisutna je kod žena u pojedinim domenama i to možemo pripisati različitom percipiranju događaja i odnosa u usporedbi s kolegama muškog spola, veća očekivanja od realnosti ili pak prevelikog pritiska na radnom mjestu. Potrebno je provesti preventivnu edukaciju o sindromu sagorijevanja te, po potrebi i pružiti psihološku potporu kako bi se sindrom sagorijevanja u što većem broju izbjegao.
The aim of this work was to examine the presence of burnout syndrome among health care workers at hospital emergency departments and statistically analyze meaningful differences according to gender, age, years of work, education degree, and type of work. A total of 147 health care workers from six hospitals in the Republic of Croatia participated in this research (response rate, 72.06%). Participants approached an anonymously online survey which consisted of socio-demographic data and a validated questionnaire entitled Validation of the Questionnaire on Workplace Stressors for Hospital Workers, which included 37 factors of stressors at the workplace used in this research. Health care workers graded their infl uence using a 1 to 5 scale. Results showed that the highest amount of stress was marked in the Organizational and Finance domain, and the least in the Danger and Harmfulness at work domain. Female participants experienced a higher amount of stress in the domains of Confl icts and Communication at work and Professional and Intellectual demands. Highly educated health care workers showed signifi cantly pronounced stress in the Public Criticism and Lawsuit domain and Confl icts and Communication domain. Health care workers with high school education manifested that amount of stress in the Danger and Harmfulness at work domain. This research confi rmed the level of perceived stress among health care workers to increase with age. Study results revealed that 26.5% of health care workers worked under pressure or stress. The research indicated that women experienced a higher amount of stress in certain domains, which can be explained by different ways of event perception and relationships with regard to male colleagues, higher expectations, or overpressure at the workplace. There is a great need to carry out preventive educational programs on the burnout syndrome and to offer psychological support if necessary in order to avoid development of the burnout syndrome.
Databáze: OpenAIRE