Contactless Temperature Measurement System

Autor: Subotić, Daniel
Přispěvatelé: Barić, Adrijan
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Sklopovlje sustava za beskontaktno mjerenje temperature čine centralni upravljački sklop izrađen u sklopu završnog rada, tiskane pločice sa zaštitnim sustavima za koračne motore i temperaturni senzor. Programski algoritam generira PWM signale koji upravljaju koračnim motorima. PWM signali osiguravaju sinusni valni oblik struje koja teče kroz namotaje motora što omogućuje glatko i tiho okretanje motora. Za upravljanje sustavom pomoću računala koristi se USB. SCI komunikacija je ostvarena između mikrokontrolera i USB primopredajnika, dok je I2C komunikacija ostvarena za čitanje podataka iz temperaturnog senzora. Omogućeno je ručno upravljanje pomoću tipkala na centralnom upravljačkom sklopu. Ispravan rad sustava provjeren je mjerenjem temperature otpornika kroz koji je puštena konstantna struja. Ovisno o tipu senzora, uređaj ima vrlo široki raspon različitih primjena. Umjesto temperaturnog senzora stavljena je antena za mjerenje magnetskog polja te je izmjereno magnetsko polje oko mikrotrakaste linije na koju je spojen RF signal. The Contactless Temperature Measurement System (CTMS) is composed of the central control unit (which is designed in the frame of the Bachelor degree), control circuits for stepper motors and the temperature sensor. The developed software controls the stepper motors by the PWM signals. The PWM signals enable sine-wave current through the motor windings which results in a smooth and silent motor operation and enables microstepping implementation. The personal computer is used to control CTMS through USB. The SCI communication is implemented between the microcontroller and the USB transceiver, while the I2C communication is used for reading the measurement data from the temperature sensor. Manual control with push buttons on the central control unit is enabled. An accurate behaviour of the system is checked by temperature measuring of a resistor through which a constant current is flowing. The system has very wide range of different applications, depending on the sensor type. The temperature sensor is replaced by an antenna for magnetic field measurement and the magnetic field around the microstrip transmission line having the RF signal connected is measured.
Databáze: OpenAIRE