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Multipla skleroza je autoimuna bolest središnjeg živčanog sustava u čijem se liječenju pored standardne medicinske terapije često koriste i alternativne metode. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj mjeri oboljeli od multiple skleroze koriste dodatke prehrani i prate alternativne dijete te koji su to najčešće korišteni dodaci. Navedeno je istraženo upitnikom kojeg je ispunilo 112 osoba s multiplom sklerozom. Više od polovine ispitanika (52 %) svakodnevno koristi multivitaminski pripravak, a od pojedinačnih dodataka najčešće koriste vitamin D (73 %), B kompleks (53 %) te kalcij (40 %). Najveći dio ispitanika provodi paleo (24 %) te mediteransku prehranu (15 %). Čak 46 % ispitanika vjeruje da prehrana utječe na tijek i ishod bolesti. Štoviše, 69 % njih bi zatražilo savjet nutricioniste, a 43 % ispitanika je samoinicijativno promijenilo svoje prehrambene navike. Rezultati ovog istraživanja upućuju na potrebu uključivanja nutricioniste u multidisciplinarni tim stručnjaka koji bi sveobuhvatnim pristupom pomogao u dugotrajnom održavanju dobrog zdravstvenog stanja i poboljšanju kvalitete života oboljelih. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune demyelinating disease of central nervous system. The aim of this study was to determine frequency of using dietary supplements and alternative diets of people with multiple sclerosis and to determine what supplements and diets are commonly used. This was examined in a questionnaire which completed 112 participants. More than half of examinees (52 %) use multivitamins as a dietary supplement on a daily basis and mostly use vitamin D (73 %), B complex (53 %) and calcium (40 %) as individual dietary supplement. The majority of the participants follow paleo (24 %) and Mediterranean diet (15 %). 46 % of participants believe that diet affects the course and outcome of the disease. 69 % would seek the advice of a nutritionist, and 43 % changed their eating habits on their own initiative. The results of this research show that nutritionist should be a member of a multidisciplinary team of experts who would use a comprehensive approach to improve the quality of life of patients. |