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U ovom preglednom radu opisane su značajke zatravljivanja višegodišnjih nasada. U obzir su uzeti različiti faktori koji utječu na izbor biljnih vrsta za zatravljivanje, kao što su pedološki, klimatski i agrotehnički faktori. Opisane su najvažnije i najčešće biljne vrste koje se koriste u zatravljivanju, njihovi uvjeti rasta i razvoja. Osim prednosti zatravljivanja, opisane su i eventualni nedostaci opisani su načini djelovanja biljnog pokrivača na temperaturu tla i zraka u zoni tla, na vodozračni režim tla, utjecaj na bioraznolikost, na korisnu i štetnu faunu, te na pojavu bolesti i njihovo suzbijanje. Posebna je pažnja posvećena utjecaju zatravljivanja na ciklus dušika i organske tvari u tlu te na dinamiku razgradnje i otpuštanja hranivih tvari u tlu iz biljnog pokrivača. This thesis describes the importance of cover cropping of perennial crops. Varius factors that affect the choice of varieties for cover cropping are take into account, such as soil, climate and agrotechnical factors. The most important and the most common varieties for covercropping, the conditions of growth and developement, negative and positive sidesare described in thise thesis, such as competition for water and food as a negative side or just the possibility of auto-insemination as a desiderable characteristic. In the thesis, it is described how covercrops influence the soil and air temperature, the regime of the moisture and ventilations of the soil,the impact on the biodiversity, the impact on the useful and harmful fauna, the occurrence of diseases and their control. Special attention was paid to the influence of the cover cropping to the nitrogen circle and the organic matter in the soil and the dinamyc of the decomposition, as well as the release of nutrients in the soil from the cover plant. Data were obtained from the literature review of professional, scientific and other works, from all over the world to describe better the influence of cover cropping on perennial crops in different growing conditions. |