ODD-PARITY BANDS OF Ru-108, Ru-110, Ru-112

Autor: Luo, YX, Zhu, SJ, Hamilton, JH, Ramayya, AV, Goodin, C, Li, K, Che, XL, Hwang, JK, Lee, IY, Jiang, Z, Ter-Akopian, GM, Daniel, AV, Stoyer, MA, Donangelo, R, Frauendorf, S, Dimitrov, V, Zhang, J-Y, Cole, JD, Stone, NJ, Rasmussen, JO
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: International Journal of Modern Physics E 18(2009), 1697-1716
Popis: Two similar sets of odd-parity bands are observed in each of three eveneven neighbors, 108, 110, 112Ru, from a study of prompt spontaneous-fission gamma rays at Gammasphere. A careful study of the odd-parity levels of these nuclei shows evidence for the features of chiral doubling. Comparisons are made with reported other candidates for chiral doubling. © 2009 World Scientific Publishing Company.
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