Obvezna obrana - ograničenje prava okrivljenika da se brani sam?

Autor: Matko Pajčić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Hrvatski ljetopis za kaznene znanosti i praksu
Volume 25
Issue 1
ISSN: 2459-6531
Popis: Pravo okrivljenika da se brani sam jedno je od minimalnih prava obrane u kaznenom postupku, pri čemu je ključno pitanje sukladnost postavljanja branitelja okrivljeniku koji to ne želi s pravom okrivljenika da se brani sam. U cilju odgovora na to pitanje nužno je na načelnoj razini razmotriti i opseg aktivnih procesnih prava koja može koristiti okrivljenik kojem je postavljen branitelj, kao i sukladnost radnji koje vrši branitelj s voljom okrivljenika kao nositelja funkcije obrane. U radu se na temelju analize prakse sudova u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, međunarodnih kaznenih sudova i Europskog suda za ljudska prava te pravnog uređenja ovog pitanja u hrvatskom pravu pokušava odrediti sadržaj prava okrivljenika da se brani sam i eventualna ograničenja tog prava.
The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Council of Europe and almost all national constitutions state that everyone charged with a criminal offence has the right to defend himself or herself in person or through legal assistance of his or her own choosing. Yet, many countries prescribe the obligatory appointment of a defence counsel in their national criminal procedure codes, even against the will of the accused. The obvious question arises of whether this is a violation of the right of the accused to defend himself or herself in person. The answer depends on the way the position of the accused is settled after the appointment of the defence counsel. If the accused still has the right to act, to perform legal procedural acts, and if his or her defence counsel cannot act against the will of the accused, then this should not be considered as a violation of the right to defend oneself in person. Aside from the situation when it is obvious that the accused abuses his or her procedural rights, the accused must have active procedural rights and overall control over his or her defence.
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