Estudi d’alternatives de presentació d’estímuls en estudis d’enginyeria Kansei

Autor: Gassó De Broto, Beatriz
Přispěvatelé: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa, Marco Almagro, Lluís
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Popis: L’enginyeria kansei, que s’emmarca dins les tècniques d’enginyeria emocional de productes, pretén descobrir quines característiques d’un producte transmeten un conjunt determinat d’emocions i sensacions. La metodologia clàssica de recollida de dades en aquests estudis es basa en la presentació de prototipus a diferents usuaris, que puntuen cadascun dels prototipus per a cadascuna de les sensacions estudiades, en escales de diferenciació semàntica. El treball pretén analitzar altres formes de presentació d’estímuls i captura de dades quantitatives que poden resultar més naturals. S’estudiaran de manera comparativa els resultats amb les diferents formes de presentació, tant amb dades simulades (utilitzant el llenguatge de programació R) com amb dades reals. El treball posarà el focus en la facilitat d’interpretació de resultats, a partir de representacions visuals. Kansei engineering is a methodology for exploring people’s feelings about products and introducing them into its design. It collects the emotional needs and sets mathematical models that explain how emotional needs connect with product properties, in other words it quantifies the emotional needs and develops them in the products. In this dissertation there is a first part with a bibliographical research of what Kansei engineering is, followed by the experimental part. The first objective of this project is to describe what Kansei engineering is, to understand its origins and how it works. Also, to know what steps to follow to develop a Kansei study and what methods exist for carrying it out. A Kansei Study consists of evaluating products by showing them to people and analysing their reaction. It can be a physiological reaction or a self-reporting reaction. All the previous information is used during all the experimental part in order to accomplish the main objective: propose a new methodology of presenting the stimuli in a Kansei study, that leads to a more intuitive and faster examination. There are two main studies with the purpose of achieving the objective. The first one is to validate a Kansei study done by showing images of the product instead of the products itself. The second one consists in carrying out a Kansei study with the new method proposed through a programmed web app and analysing the results to authenticate the new method. In the dissertation, there is an explanation of how all the studies are done. The first step is to design the experiment that is used during all the project. Then the first study is explained, how the data survey is done and how the data is analysed. After, there is a description of the second study, what is the new method and how the development of the application where we implement the second study is programmed. This new method consists of displaying two products at once and analysing which one the person prefers by choosing it. Finally, there is a chapter where all the results are analysed, and all the answers are displayed. The conclusion of the first study is that there is not any difference between displaying the images or showing the physical object. This conclusion gives legitimacy to our new proposed method and the way it is displayed. For the second study, we arrive to the conclusion that the results gathered by doing it in this new way are more or less the same ones as with the first study. With both of these conclusions we can affirm that the new method proposed with the way of carrying it out, by doing a web app, is faster and also more intuitive
Databáze: OpenAIRE