Debris-resistant liquid EUV mirrors

Autor: Soer, W., Herpen, van, M., Gielissen, K., Banine, V.Y.
Přispěvatelé: Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges, Plasma & Materials Processing
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Popis: Introduction Problem Sn-based EUV sources generate Sn debris that contaminates nearby EUV mirrors and thus reduces their reflectivity. Solution Liquid EUV mirrors: grazingincidence mirrors with a liquid metal or alloy surface. The liquid surface absorbs incoming Sn debris while maintaining a low surface roughness and hence a high EUV reflectivity. Applications Dose sensors, reflective debris mitigation tools (e.g. reflective foil trap) and debris-resistant collector optics. Objectives • Measure reflectivity of EUV radiation and ionic Sn debris on liquid metal surface. • Obtain good wetting of liquid metal on metal substrates to enable tilting of the liquid mirror into arbitrary orientation while maintaining a low surface roughness.
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