Zuivel kan botten verzorgingshuisbewoner sterk houden

Autor: Groenendijk, I., de Groot, C.P.G.M., Grootswagers, P.
Jazyk: Dutch; Flemish
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 166 (2022)
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 166
ISSN: 0028-2162
Popis: A well-performed and large intervention study by Iuliano et al. showed that protein and calcium supplementation via regular dairy products reduces the risk of fractures and falls in vitamin D replete older adults in aged care facilities. The study was performed in Australia, which raises the question whether their intervention might also be effective in aged care facilities in the Netherlands. Intake levels of protein and calcium are comparable between Australian and Dutch older adults. A higher protein intake, for example from dairy, is associated with higher muscle mass, muscle strength and bone density. Iuliano et al. showed that with accessible, regular food products, relevant health outcomes can be improved. These results are relevant for Dutch older adults as well. Future research should investigate whether sustainable dairy substitutes can be just as successful. Kwetsbare ouderen krijgen vaak te weinig eiwitten en calcium binnen. Een grote Australische studie in verzorgingshuizen laat zien dat extra zuivel het aantal fracturen en valincidenten onder bewoners kan verminderen.
Databáze: OpenAIRE