Mechanistic-based prediction of selection response on resilience and feed efficiency traits in dairy cattle

Autor: Alban Etienne René Bouquet, Margot Slagboom, Jørn Rind Thomasen, Nic Friggens, Morten Kargo, Laurence Puillet
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Bouquet, A E R, Slagboom, M, Thomasen, J R, Friggens, N, Kargo, M & Puillet, L 2022, Mechanistic-based prediction of selection response on resilience and feed efficiency traits in dairy cattle . in WCGALP 2022 Programme book . Wageningen Academic Publishers, 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 03/07/2022 . < >
Aarhus University
Popis: The objective of this study was to present a new methodology to predict selection response on resilience and feed efficiency (FE) in dairy cattle. This approach combines genetic and mechanistic modelling to describe the biological mechanisms underlying these traits. A dairy cattle breeding scheme was simulated considering a non-limiting nutritional environment and two different breeding goals focusing either on milk production or FE. Selection response was predicted within the non-limiting environment but also for a prospective low-input system (LS). Predictions obtained with conventional and mechanistic-based methods were consistent for milk production, body weight and FE within the non-limiting environment. However, genetic trends predicted for fertility were different. Selection response achieved on milk production was much smaller in the LS than in the breeding nucleus due to the increased nutritional constraint. The breeding goal with emphasis on FE enabled a better transfer of genetic gain to the LS environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE