The cost of a hospital outbreak of livestock-associated MRSA CC398

Autor: Helle Pries Kristiansen, Annette Toft, Marie Louise Slott Jensen, Anette Holm, Marianne Nielsine Skov, Hans Jørn Kolmos, Michael Kemp
Zdroj: University of Southern Denmark
Pries Kristiansen, H, Toft, A, Slott Jensen, M L, Holm, A, Skov, M N, Kolmos, H J & Kemp, M 2017, ' The cost of a hospital outbreak of livestock-associated MRSA CC398 ', Nordisk hygiejnekonference 2017, Trondheim, Trondheim, Norge, 13/09/2017-15/09/2017 .
Databáze: OpenAIRE