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Tema ovog rada je kritika moralnog relativizma. Usko ćemo teorijski obraditi i problem istine koji je još uvijek središte filozofije, no u suvremenom svijetu nailazi na još veći problem zbog zlouporabe tog pojma. Preko povijesnog aspekta definiranja relativizma će se iznijeti glavni pojmovi i definicije moralnog relativizma, kao i njegove podjele. Kritika je podijeljena na nekoliko glavnih skupina, na koje se ponajviše usredotočio Neil Levy u svom djelu „Moralni relativizam“. Tako je kritika podijeljena na naturalističku pogrešku, argument tolerancije, kulturni i biološki determinizam te naposljetku na pluralizam vrijednosti. Obradit će se i pojam novog relativizma te prikazati neke od primjera suvremenog relativizma. The topic of this essay is the critique of moral relativism. We will also deal theoretically with the problem of truth, which is still the center of philosophy, but in the modern world it encounters an even bigger problem due to the misuse of this term. Through the historical aspect of defining relativism, the main terms and definitions of moral relativism, as well as its divisions, will be presented. Criticism is divided into several main groups, most of which Neil Levy focused on in his book "Moral Relativism". Thus, criticism is divided into naturalistic error, the argument of tolerance, cultural and biological determinism, and finally pluralism of values. The concept of new relativism will also be discussed and some examples of contemporary relativism will be presented. |