MICROSCOPE, a CNES microsatellite to check Einstein Equivalence Principle, and its RF equipments

Autor: Dudal, Clement, Mathieu, Romain, Vialard, Marie, Guillon, Herve, Andre, Yves, Fernandez, M., Guillois, Gwenael, Richard, Yves, Latiri, Anis, Bataille, Philippe
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Small Satellite Conference
AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites
Popis: MICROSCOPE is a microsatellite, launched in April 2016, to verify the Einstein equivalence principle, related to gravitational versus inertial mass, with an accuracy never reached before. The satellite is based on the MYRIADE platform and requires a very stable environment to provide the needed accuracy. A dedicated system was developed to meet all the mission requirements. The TT&C system is based on Syrlinks S-band transceivers which were widely used on different missions. The RF architecture is presented as long as the perspectives of evolution for this equipment. A key element of the precise satellite control relies on the Syrlinks GNSS receiver to allow accurate on board operational orbit restitution and timing. The overall GNSS subsystem is presented in the following.
Databáze: OpenAIRE