Krisia albiste(a) denean

Autor: Urkiza, Ana
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Addi. Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación
Popis: Even though there has been mach theorising on the suhject of crisis communication, there is neither theory nor plan defended by such a theory which serves to ward off a crisis. As an idea or approach, theory is basically of only one type, whereas (here are numerous kinds of crises. So, there are numerous ways in which crises can arise and there are also different strategies for addressing each one. A crisis measures the communicative skill of a company, because it is the media which provide us with news about crises and because, if it were not for them, most crises would he kept under wraps. Nevertheless, the media do not always fulfil the same role: sometimes they act as a go-between or mouthpiece for the plan which is put forward to tackle the crisis; at other times they turn into the means for channelling messages at the momenl of crisis; and they are frequently the misused objects of communication strategies in times of crisis. Al the end of the day a company's communication skill will be according to the power it has to get its own discourse reflected in the media.
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