Mental health outcome of premature birth
Autor: | Lasić, Ivana |
Přispěvatelé: | Bilić Čače, Iva, Milardović, Ana, Lah Tomulić, Kristina, Bosak Veršić, Ana |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2022 |
Předmět: | |
Popis: | Prematuritet, odnosno rođenje prije 37. tjedna gestacije, nosi sa sobom čitav niz rizika i posljedica. Rizici rastu što je manja GA i rodna masa, te što je veće oštećenje mozga u trenutku poroda. Unatoč tome što se mortalitet takve djece godinama smanjuje, primarno napretkom jedinica intenzivnog liječenja u neonatalnoj skrbi, pokazalo se da velik broj prematurusa ima čitav niz kratkoročnih i dugoročnih komplikacija. Ovaj rad fokusirao se na mentalne poremećaje, poremećaje ponašanja i neurorazvojne poremećaje kako ih definira ICD-11 u skupini 06. Velikih broj studija koje se bave mentalnim ishodima prematuriteta utvrdile su korelaciju prematuriteta i povećanog rizika za određene poremećaje iz ove skupine. Budući da se neki od navedenih poremećaja katkad pojave tek u odrasloj dobi, studija, a pogotovo onih s velikim uzorkom, nažalost nema previše jer zahtijevaju dugotrajno praćenje i/ili uređene registre. Tu su vrlo korisne nacionalne studije kao npr. danska ili švedska koje su kroz duži vremenski period analizirale kompletnu populaciju prijevremeno rođene djece te promatrale učestalost mentalnih poremećaja u odrasloj životnoj dobi. Utvrđeno je da se rizik najčešće povećava za poremećaje intelektualnog razvoja, poremećaje učenja, poremećaje motoričke koordinacije, ASD, ADHD, a postoji i određeni rizik za depresiju, bipolarno afektivni poremećaj, psihozu i anksioznosti. Prematurity, being born before the 37th week of gestation, carries with it a whole series of risks and consequences. The risks increase the smaller the GA and birth weight, and the greater the brain damage at the time of birth. Despite the fact that the mortality of such children has been decreasing over the years, primarily due to the progress of intensive care units in neonatal care, it has been shown that a large number of premature babies have a whole series of short-term and long-term complications. This thesis is focused on mental disorders, behavioral disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders as defined by ICD-11 in group 06. A large number of studies dealing with the mental outcomes of prematurity determined the correlation of prematurity and increased risk for certain disorders from this group. Since some of the mentioned disorders sometimes appear only in adulthood, there are unfortunately not many studies, especially those with a large sample, as they require long-term follow-up and/or organized registries. There are very useful national studies, such as Denmark or Sweden, which over a long period of time analyzed the entire population of prematurely born children and observed the frequency of mental disorders in adulthood. It was found that the risk increases most often for disorders of intellectual development, learning disorders, motor coordination disorders, ASD, ADHD, and there is also a certain risk for depression, bipolar affective disorder, psychosis and anxiety. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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