Predelava Magento sistema za spletne trgovine v sistem za evidenco dela zaposlenih

Autor: Plevel, Rok
Přispěvatelé: Smrdel, Aleš
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Diplomska naloga obsega predelavo Magento sistema za upravljanje vsebin spletne trgovine v sistem za evidenco dela zaposlenih. V prvem delu diplomskega dela so najprej predstavljeni razlogi za izbor Magento sistema, prikazane pa so tudi nekatere �ze obstoje�ce spletne re�sitve za evidenco dela zaposlenih. Sledi predstavitev Magento sistema, oziroma princip delovanja njegove MVC arhitekture. Nato sledi opis orodij, s katerimi je izdelan Magento sistem, ter opis orodij, ki smo jih dodali za u�cinkovitej�se in uporabniku prijaznej�se delovanje na�sega sistema za evidenco dela. V drugem delu je opisan postopek izdelave, ki se za�cne s postopkom redukcije Magento sistema, v bolj splo�sen sistem za razvoj spletnih aplikacij. S pomo�cjo primera implementacije glavnega modula, ki slu�zi sistemu za evidenco dela zaposlenih, prika�zemo razvoj modulov v Magento sistemu in predstavimo tudi primer raz�siritve obstoje�ce funkcionalnosti Magento sistema. Sledi �se opis vseh ostalih funckionalnosti, ki smo jih implementirali za sistem za evidenco dela, ter opis izdelave dizajna, ki posku�sa slediti najnovej�sim trendom pri razvoju spletnih aplikacij. V zadnjem delu pa so predstavljeni cilji nadaljnega razvoja aplikacije, kjer nekateri temeljijo na �ze obstoje�cih funkcionalnostih Magento sistema. This thesis comprises a rework of the Magento e-commerce content management system into an employee attendance tracking system. In the first part of the thesis the reasons for selecting Magento system are presented and also some already existing web solutions for employee attendance tracking are shown. Next is the presentation of the Magento system, that is, principles of its MVC architecture. After that follows the description of the tools on which Magento is based upon and some of the tools we used to make our employee attendance tracking software better. The second part describes the development process, which starts with the reduction of the Magento system, to a more general system for web based application development. With the help of the implementation process of our main module, which serves the purpose of the employee attendance tracking system, we describe the module development process in Magento system and present an example of extending a core functionality. Next, the presentation of the remaining functionalities implemented for our employee attendance tracking system follows, and the description of the design, which attempts to follow the newest trends in web application development. In the last part we present the goals of the future development of the application, where some of them are based on already existing functionalities of the Magento system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE