Autor: | Vidmar, Anamaria |
Přispěvatelé: | Pavičić Žeželj, Sandra, Tomić Linšak, Dijana, Linšak, Željko |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: | |
Popis: | S obzirom da su se tijekom 19.stoljeća brojna križanja organizama pokazala kao iznimno dugotrajni procesi, javila se potreba za osmišljavanjem nekih novih metoda. Tako se krajem 20. stoljeća javlja pojam genetičkog inženjeringa i proizvoda koji njime nastaju-genetički modificiranih proizvoda. Uz njihove brojne istražene i neistražene prednosti i nedostatke, o GM proizvodima se i dan danas raspravlja na globalnoj razini. Baš iz tog razloga, ovo istraživanje provedeno je kako bi se ispitalo kakvo je mišljenje i koji su stavovi po pitanju GM proizvoda imaju studenti riječkog sveučilišta. Istraživanje se provodilo tjedan dana putem online ankete, dobrovoljno i anonimno. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 107 ispitanika, a dobiveni su podaci obrađeni R programom statističkih izračuna metodom χ²- testa na 95%-tnom intervalu pouzdanosti. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su da postoji statistički značajna razlika u odgovorima ispitanika s obzirom na njihov spol, dob i obrazovanje. Što se tiče spola ispitanika, razlika je u informiranosti o GM hrani te u stavu prema pojedinim vrstama GM proizvoda. Kada se radi o varijabli dobi ispitanika, jedina statistički značajna razlika uočena je kod skupine pitanja koja ispituju stavove ispitanika prema GM proizvodima. Razina obrazovanja ispitanika pokazala se kao čimbenik koji bi mogao imati utjecaj na informiranost ispitanika ili potaknuti njihovu odluku o kupnji GM proizvoda. No, bez obzira na dobivene rezultate, potrebno je daljnjim istraživanjima utvrditi međuovisnost navedenih čimbenika As hereditary recombination proved to be an extremely time-consuming process during the 19th century, there was a need to devise some new methods. Thus, with the end of the 20th century comes the emergence of genetic engineering and products created by it - genetically modified products. With their many explored and unexplored advantages and disadvantages, GM products are still debated globally today. Precisely for this reason, this research was conducted to examine the opinion of students at the University of Rijeka and their attitudes regarding GM products. The survey was conducted for a week through an online survey, which was voluntary and anonymous. The number of respondents which participated in the research was 107, and the received data were processed with the R program of statistical calculations by the χ²-test method at the 95% confidence interval. The obtained results indicated some statistically significant differences. Regarding the gender of the respondents, there is a difference in information about GM food and the attitude towards certain types of GM products. When it comes to the variable of respondents age, the only statistically significant difference was observed in the group of questions that examine attitudes of the respondents towards GM products. It turned out that the level of education of the respondents is factor that could have an impact on the information of the respondents or encourage their decision to buy GM products. However, regardless of the results obtained, further research is needed to determine the interdependence of these factors |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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