Production of K(0) and Lambda In Hadronic Z-decays

Autor: Buskulic, D., Casper, D., Debonis, I., Decamp, D., Ghez, P., Goy, C., Lees, Jp, Minard, Mn, Odier, P., Pietrzyk, B., Ariztizabal, F., Chmeissani, M., Crespo, Jm, Efthymiopoulos, I., Fernandez, E., Fernandezbosman, M., Gaitan, V., Garrido, L., Martinez, M., Mattison, T., Orteu, S., Pacheco, A., Padilla, C., Palla, F., Pascual, A., Perlas, Ja, Teubert, F., Creanza, D., Depalma, M., Farilla, A., Iaselli, G., Maggi, G., Marinelli, N., Natali, S., Nuzzo, S., Ranieri, A., Raso, G., Romano, F., Ruggieri, F., Selvaggi, G., Silvestris, L., Tempesta, P., Zito, G., Chai, Y., Huang, D., Huang, X., Lin, J., Wang, T., Xie, Y., Xu, D., Xu, R., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Zhao, W., Bonvicini, G., Boudreau, J., Comas, P., Coyle, P., Drevermann, H., Engelhardt, A., Forty, Rw, Ganis, G., Gay, C., Girone, M., Hagelberg, R., Harvey, J., Jacobsen, R., Jost, B., Knobloch, J., Lehraus, I., Maggi, M., Markou, C., Mato, P., Meinhard, H., Minten, A., Miquel, R., Palazzi, P., Pater, Jr, Perrodo, P., Pusztaszeri, Jf, Ranjard, F., Rolandi, L., Rothberg, J., Saich, M., Schlatter, D., Schmelling, M., Tejessy, W., Tomalin, Ir, Veenhof, R., Venturi, A., Wachsmuth, H., Wasserbaech, S., Wiedenmann, W., Wildish, T., Witzeling, W., Wotschack, J., Ajaltouni, Z., Bardadinotwinowska, M., Barres, A., Boyer, C., Falvard, A., Gray, P., Guicheney, C., Henrard, P., Jousset, J., Michel, B., Montret, Jc, Pallin, D., Perret, P., Podlyski, F., Proriol, J., Saadi, F., Fearnley, T., Hansen, Jb, Hansen, Jd, Hansen, Jr, Hansen, Ph, Johnson, Sd, Mollerud, R., Nilsson, Bs, Kyriakis, A., Simopoulou, E., Siotis, I., Vayaki, A., Zachariadou, K., Blondel, A., Bonneaud, G., Brient, Jc, Bourdon, P., Passalacqua, L., Rouge, A., Rumpf, M., Tanaka, R., Valassi, A., Verderi, M., Videau, H., Candlin, Dj, Parsons, Mi, Veitch, E., Focardi, E., Parrini, G., Corden, M., Delfino, M., Georgiopoulos, C., JAFFE, DE, Levinthal, D., Antonelli, A., Bencivenni, G., Bologna, G., Bossi, F., Campana, P., Capon, G., Cerutti, F., Chiarella, V., Felici, G., Laurelli, P., Mannocchi, G., Murtas, F., Murtas, Gp, Pepealtarelli, M., Salomone, S., Colrain, P., Tenhave, I., Knowles, Ig, Lynch, Jg, Maitland, W., Morton, Wt, Raine, C., Reeves, P., Scarr, Jm, Smith, K., Smith, Mg, Thompson, As, Thorn, S., Turnbull, Rm, Becker, U., Braun, O., Geweniger, C., Hanke, P., Hepp, V., Kluge, Ee, Putzer, A., Rensch, B., Schmidt, M., Stenzel, H., Tittel, K., Wunsch, M., Beuselinck, R., Binnie, Dm, Cameron, W., Cattaneo, M., Colling, Dj, Dornan, Pj, Hassard, Jf, Konstantinidis, N., Moneta, L., Moutoussi, A., Nash, J., Payne, Dg, Sanmartin, G., Sedgbeer, Jk, Wright, Ag, Girtler, P., Kuhn, D., Rudolph, G., Vogl, R., Bowdery, Ck, Brodbeck, Tj, Finch, Aj, Foster, F., Hughes, G., Jackson, D., Keemer, Nr, Nuttall, M., Patel, A., Sloan, T., Snow, Sw, Whelan, Ep, Galla, A., Greene, Am, Kleinknecht, K., Raab, J., Renk, B., Sander, Hg, Schmidt, H., Walther, Sm, Wanke, R., Wolf, B., Bencheikh, Am, Benchouk, C., Bonissent, A., Calvet, D., Carr, J., Diaconu, C., Etienne, F., Nicod, D., Payre, P., Roos, L., Rousseau, D., Schwemling, P., Talby, M., Adlung, S., Ralph Assmann, Bauer, C., Blum, W., Brown, D., Cattaneo, P., Dehning, B., Dietl, H., Dydak, F., Frank, M., Halley, Aw, Jakobs, K., Kroha, H., Lauber, J., Lutjens, G., Lutz, G., Manner, W., Moser, Hg, Richter, R., Schael, S., Schroder, J., Schwarz, As, Settles, R., Seywerd, H., Stierlin, U., Stiegler, U., Stdenis, R., Wolf, G., Alemany, R., Boucrot, J., Callot, O., Cordier, A., Courault, F., Davier, M., Duflot, L., Grivaz, Jf, Heusse, P., Janot, P., Jacquet, M., Kim, Dw, Lediberder, F., Lefrancois, J., Lutz, Am, Musolino, G., Nikolic, I., Park, Hj, Park, Ic, Simion, S., Schune, Mh, Veillet, Jj, Videau, I., Abbaneo, D., Bagliesi, G., Batignani, G., Bottigli, U., Bozzi, C., Calderini, G., Carpinelli, M., Ciocci, Ma, Ciulli, V., Dellorso, R., Ferrante, I., Fidecaro, F., Foa, L., Forti, F., Giassi, A., Giorgi, Ma, Gregorio, A., Ligabue, F., Lusiani, A., Marrocchesi, Ps, Martin, Eb, Messineo, A., Rizzo, G., Sanguinetti, G., Spagnolo, P., Steinberger, J., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Triggiani, G., Vannini, C., Verdini, Pg, Walsh, J., Betteridge, Ap, Gao, Y., Green, Mg, Johnson, Dl, March, Pv, Medcalf, T., Mir, Lm, Quazi, Is, Strong, Ja, Bertin, V., Botterill, Dr, Clifft, Rw, Edgecock, Tr, Haywood, S., Edwards, S., Edwards, M., Norton, Pr, Thompson, Jc, Blochdevaux, B., Colas, P., Duarte, H., Emery, S., Kozanecki, W., Lancon, E., Lemaire, Mc, Locci, E., Marx, B., Perez, P., Rander, J., Renardy, Jf, Rosowsky, A., Roussarie, A., Schuller, Jp, Schwindling, J., Mohand, Ds, Vallage, B., Johnson, Rp, Litke, Am, Taylor, G., Wear, J., Beddall, A., Booth, Cn, Cartwright, S., Combley, F., Dawson, I., Koksal, A., Rankin, C., Thompson, Lf, Bohrer, A., Brandt, S., Cowan, G., Feigl, E., Grupen, C., Lutters, G., Minguetrodriguez, J., Rivera, F., Saraiva, P., Schafer, U., Smolik, L., Bosisio, L., Dellamarina, R., Giannini, G., Gobbo, B., Pitis, L., Ragusa, F., Bellantoni, L., Conway, Js, Feng, Z., Ferguson, Dps, Gao, Ys, Grahl, J., Harton, Jl, Hayes, Oj, Hu, H., Nachtman, Jm, Pan, Yb, Saadi, Y., Schmitt, M., Scott, I., Sharma, V., Turk, Jd, Walsh, Am, Weber, Fv, Wu, Sl, Wu, X., Yamartino, Jm, Zheng, M., Zobernig, G.
Přispěvatelé: Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire - Clermont-Ferrand (LPC), Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), ALEPH, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11), Buskulic, D, Casper, D, Debonis, I, Decamp, D, Ghez, P, Goy, C, Lees, Jp, Minard, Mn, Odier, P, Pietrzyk, B, Ariztizabal, F, Chmeissani, M, Crespo, Jm, Efthymiopoulos, I, Fernandez, E, Fernandezbosman, M, Gaitan, V, Garrido, L, Martinez, M, Mattison, T, Orteu, S, Pacheco, A, Padilla, C, Palla, F, Pascual, A, Perlas, Ja, Teubert, F, Creanza, D, Depalma, M, Farilla, A, Iaselli, G, Maggi, G, Marinelli, N, Natali, S, Nuzzo, S, Ranieri, A, Raso, G, Romano, F, Ruggieri, F, Selvaggi, G, Silvestris, L, Tempesta, P, Zito, G, Chai, Y, Huang, D, Huang, X, Lin, J, Wang, T, Xie, Y, Xu, D, Xu, R, Zhang, J, Zhang, L, Zhao, W, Bonvicini, G, Boudreau, J, Comas, P, Coyle, P, Drevermann, H, Engelhardt, A, Forty, Rw, Ganis, G, Gay, C, Girone, M, Hagelberg, R, Harvey, J, Jacobsen, R, Jost, B, Knobloch, J, Lehraus, I, Maggi, M, Markou, C, Mato, P, Meinhard, H, Minten, A, Miquel, R, Palazzi, P, Pater, Jr, Perrodo, P, Pusztaszeri, Jf, Ranjard, F, Rolandi, L, Rothberg, J, Saich, M, Schlatter, D, Schmelling, M, Tejessy, W, Tomalin, Ir, Veenhof, R, Venturi, A, Wachsmuth, H, Wasserbaech, S, Wiedenmann, W, Wildish, T, Witzeling, W, Wotschack, J, Ajaltouni, Z, Bardadinotwinowska, M, Barres, A, Boyer, C, Falvard, A, Gray, P, Guicheney, C, Henrard, P, Jousset, J, Michel, B, Montret, Jc, Pallin, D, Perret, P, Podlyski, F, Proriol, J, Saadi, F, Fearnley, T, Hansen, Jb, Hansen, Jd, Hansen, Jr, Hansen, Ph, Johnson, Sd, Mollerud, R, Nilsson, B, Kyriakis, A, Simopoulou, E, Siotis, I, Vayaki, A, Zachariadou, K, Blondel, A, Bonneaud, G, Brient, Jc, Bourdon, P, Passalacqua, L, Rouge, A, Rumpf, M, Tanaka, R, Valassi, A, Verderi, M, Videau, H, Candlin, Dj, Parsons, Mi, Veitch, E, Focardi, E, Parrini, G, Corden, M, Delfino, M, Georgiopoulos, C, Jaffe, De, Levinthal, D, Antonelli, A, Bencivenni, G, Bologna, G, Bossi, F, Campana, P, Capon, G, Cerutti, F, Chiarella, V, Felici, G, Laurelli, P, Mannocchi, G, Murtas, F, Murtas, Gp, Pepealtarelli, M, Salomone, S, Colrain, P, Tenhave, I, Knowles, Ig, Lynch, Jg, Maitland, W, Morton, Wt, Raine, C, Reeves, P, Scarr, Jm, Smith, K, Smith, Mg, Thompson, A, Thorn, S, Turnbull, Rm, Becker, U, Braun, O, Geweniger, C, Hanke, P, Hepp, V, Kluge, Ee, Putzer, A, Rensch, B, Schmidt, M, Stenzel, H, Tittel, K, Wunsch, M, Beuselinck, R, Binnie, Dm, Cameron, W, Cattaneo, M, Colling, Dj, Dornan, Pj, Hassard, Jf, Konstantinidis, N, Moneta, L, Moutoussi, A, Nash, J, Payne, Dg, Sanmartin, G, Sedgbeer, Jk, Wright, Ag, Girtler, P, Kuhn, D, Rudolph, G, Vogl, R, Bowdery, Ck, Brodbeck, Tj, Finch, Aj, Foster, F, Hughes, G, Jackson, D, Keemer, Nr, Nuttall, M, Patel, A, Sloan, T, Snow, Sw, Whelan, Ep, Galla, A, Greene, Am, Kleinknecht, K, Raab, J, Renk, B, Sander, Hg, Schmidt, H, Walther, Sm, Wanke, R, Wolf, B, Bencheikh, Am, Benchouk, C, Bonissent, A, Calvet, D, Carr, J, Diaconu, C, Etienne, F, Nicod, D, Payre, P, Roos, L, Rousseau, D, Schwemling, P, Talby, M, Adlung, S, Assmann, R, Bauer, C, Blum, W, Brown, D, Cattaneo, P, Dehning, B, Dietl, H, Dydak, F, Frank, M, Halley, Aw, Jakobs, K, Kroha, H, Lauber, J, Lutjens, G, Lutz, G, Manner, W, Moser, Hg, Richter, R, Schael, S, Schroder, J, Schwarz, A, Settles, R, Seywerd, H, Stierlin, U, Stiegler, U, Stdenis, R, Wolf, G, Alemany, R, Boucrot, J, Callot, O, Cordier, A, Courault, F, Davier, M, Duflot, L, Grivaz, Jf, Heusse, P, Janot, P, Jacquet, M, Kim, Dw, Lediberder, F, Lefrancois, J, Lutz, Am, Musolino, G, Nikolic, I, Park, Hj, Park, Ic, Simion, S, Schune, Mh, Veillet, Jj, Videau, I, Abbaneo, D, Bagliesi, G, Batignani, G, Bottigli, U, Bozzi, C, Calderini, G, Carpinelli, M, Ciocci, Ma, Ciulli, V, Dellorso, R, Ferrante, I, Fidecaro, F, Foa, L, Forti, F, Giassi, A, Giorgi, Ma, Gregorio, A, Ligabue, Franco, Lusiani, Alberto, Marrocchesi, P, Martin, Eb, Messineo, A, Rizzo, G, Sanguinetti, G, Spagnolo, P, Steinberger, J, Tenchini, R, Tonelli, G, Triggiani, G, Vannini, C, Verdini, Pg, Walsh, J, Betteridge, Ap, Gao, Y, Green, Mg, Johnson, Dl, March, Pv, Medcalf, T, Mir, Lm, Quazi, I, Strong, Ja, Bertin, V, Botterill, Dr, Clifft, Rw, Edgecock, Tr, Haywood, S, Edwards, S, Edwards, M, Norton, Pr, Thompson, Jc, Blochdevaux, B, Colas, P, Duarte, H, Emery, S, Kozanecki, W, Lancon, E, Lemaire, Mc, Locci, E, Marx, B, Perez, P, Rander, J, Renardy, Jf, Rosowsky, A, Roussarie, A, Schuller, Jp, Schwindling, J, Mohand, D, Vallage, B, Johnson, Rp, Litke, Am, Taylor, G, Wear, J, Beddall, A, Booth, Cn, Cartwright, S, Combley, F, Dawson, I, Koksal, A, Rankin, C, Thompson, Lf, Bohrer, A, Brandt, S, Cowan, G, Feigl, E, Grupen, C, Lutters, G, Minguetrodriguez, J, Rivera, F, Saraiva, P, Schafer, U, Smolik, L, Bosisio, L, Dellamarina, R, Giannini, G, Gobbo, B, Pitis, L, Ragusa, F, Bellantoni, L, Conway, J, Feng, Z, Ferguson, Dp, Grahl, J, Harton, Jl, Hayes, Oj, Hu, H, Nachtman, Jm, Pan, Yb, Saadi, Y, Schmitt, M, Scott, I, Sharma, V, Turk, Jd, Walsh, Am, Weber, Fv, Wu, Sl, Wu, X, Yamartino, Jm, Zheng, M, Zobernig, G.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 1994, 64, pp.361-373
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, Springer Verlag, 1994, 64, pp.361-373
ISSN: 0170-9739
Popis: Measurements of the inclusive cross-sections for K0 and LAMBDA production in hadronic decays of the Z are presented together with measurements of two-particle correlations within pairs of LAMBDA and K0. The results are compared with predictions from the hadronization models Jetset, based on string fragmentation, and Herwig, based on cluster decays. The K0 spectrum is found to be harder than predicted by both models, while the LAMBDA spectrum is softer than predicted. The correlation measurements are all reproduced well by Jetset, while Herwig misses some of the qualitative features and overestimates the size of the LAMBDALAMBDABAR correlation. Finally, the possibility of Bose-Einstein correlation in the K(S)0K(S)0 system is discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE