Proposal to conserve the name Convallaria latifolia Jacq. (Polygonatum latifolium) (Ruscaceae, Liliaceae s.l.) against C. latifolia Mill

Autor: Gutermann, W., Conti, Fabio, Király, G., Kirschner, J., Marhold, K., Niketić, M., Nikolić, T., Petrova, A., Tan, K., Wraber, T.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: Polygonatum latifolium was based on Convallaria latifolia, under which name Jacquin had thoroughly described the species which in Austria is restricted to the Pannonian district, being rather common in thermophilous hornbeam and oak forests and riverine woodland. Together with the description, an illustration was published in the notable Flora Austriaca ; this had obviously been prepared from living plants most probably collected in the vicinity of Vienna. No exact locality was specified in the protologue, and to our knowledge no original herbarium material is extant. The excellent hand-coloured engraving is material suitable and available for lectotypification. Although the characteristic leaf indumentum is not depicted on the plate, it is detailed in the description: “Folia … subtus ad nervulos minutissime & tantum ad lentem villosa”, and the identity of the plant is thus not in doubt. We are therefore proposing it as the type of the conserved name and consider it is unnecessary to designate a specimen as a conserved type.
Databáze: OpenAIRE